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New 2025–26 Regency Historical Romance Series

Captivating Kisses

A kiss is just a kiss—or is it?

 Three families—the Wor­thing­tons, Aling­tons, and Ful­tons. Ten cousins named for Roman and Byzan­tine rulers and their spous­es. And ten occa­sions when a kiss which will change every­thing for the cou­ple involved.

 Wel­come to the new Regency world cre­at­ed by best-sell­ing author Alexa Aston in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es! Books 1–5 will release in 2025, with Books 6–10 com­ing in 2026.


Will Julian find the courage to con­quer his self-doubts, or will he allow his feel­ings of inad­e­qua­cy to pre­vent him—and Ariadne—from find­ing last­ing love?

An Unex­pect­ed Kiss is the first romance in my Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon for only 99 cents! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DMQKWFZ8/

Can Jud­son and Lucy’s mar­riage of con­ve­nience shift into a love that lasts a life­time, or will the tri­als they face prove insurmountable?

An Impul­sive Kiss is the sec­ond romance in my Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Pre­order from Ama­zon:  https://amzn.to/48Yzpu0

*Check the Series tab to see ALL the Cov­ers & Blurbs for the rest of Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es!


New 2025 Contemporary Small-Town Series

Hearts in Hawthorne

Wel­come to Hawthorne, Texas, a place where many for­mer cit­i­zens return, drawn to their hometown’s slow­er pace and fam­i­ly val­ues, find­ing last­ing love and happiness.

*We’re work­ing now on the cov­ers for Hearts in Hawthorne. I’ll post them (& the blurbs) as soon as they’re com­plet­ed. This small-town con­tem­po­rary romance series will roll out with one book a month from June to Octo­ber 2025.


**Sign up for my newslet­ter to receive news of pre­orders and releas­es: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/1040354/128427719895549685/share


*I will be at the LA Times Book Fes­ti­val, held on the USC cam­pus, April 26–27. https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/

*I will be at Book Lovers Con, held at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel, May 15–17. Reg­is­ter here: https://bookloverscon.com/las-vegas-2025

*I will be at RARE25 Lon­don July 4&5 at Excel Lon­don. Tick­ets are already sold out.








