Medieval Runaway Wives

*Each romance in Medieval Run­away Wives may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

Song of the Heart (Medieval Runaway Wives Book 1)

An earl whose wife aban­doned him. A woman flee­ing an abu­sive hus­band. Two dam­aged souls come togeth­er and find love in Alexa Aston’s new his­tor­i­cal romance trilogy.

As the third wife of an abu­sive French vine­yard own­er, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t pro­duced the expect­ed heir after three years of mar­riage. Fear­ing he plans to kill her, she flees dur­ing a trip to Eng­land. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of trav­el­ing mum­mers and rein­vents her­self as the only woman trou­ba­dour in the land, cap­ti­vat­ing audi­ences with both song and story.

Noble­man Gar­rett Montayne’s fas­ci­na­tion with Madeleine caus­es him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to jour­ney to his estate. Though he sus­pects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blos­soms between them under the mag­i­cal moon of sum­mer solstice.

But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her hus­band is set to arrive to con­duct busi­ness with Gar­rett. Madeleine deter­mines to free her­self from her love­less mar­riage and make a new life with Gar­rett, no mat­ter what the cost.

A Promise of Tomorrow (Medieval Runaway Wives Book 2)

A wid­ow long­ing for love but threat­ened by scan­dal. A charm­ing rogue who has love to give but not a pen­ny to his name. Two souls yearn­ing to be togeth­er yet sep­a­rat­ed by tremen­dous odds …

As a third son, Eng­lish­man Ash­by fitz Waryn has nei­ther a title nor grand estate, but he does have a life­long friend in Lord Gar­rett Mon­tayne, the earl he serves. Gar­rett sends Ash­by to France to learn more about wine­mak­ing, an invest­ment the Mon­taynes have been involved with for decades. Ash­by jour­neys to Mon­teville, an estate in Bor­deaux, where he becomes knowl­edge­able about grapes—and unex­pect­ed­ly falls in love with Marielle de la Tresse, a mar­ried comtesse in a love­less marriage.

Marielle Matesse was blamed for her twin sister’s death, spend­ing ten years in a con­vent as pun­ish­ment. Returned to her par­ents, she hopes to start a new life when an old­er man, a wealthy comte, takes her as his bride. The mar­riage is love­less and child­less and her life dull—until a hand­some Eng­lish­man comes calling.

When Comte de la Tresse dies under mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances, his broth­er, Marc, insin­u­ates he’ll start rumors that Marielle poi­soned her hus­band unless she imme­di­ate­ly weds Marc. Marielle flees France under Ashby’s pro­tec­tion, hop­ing to start a new life in Eng­land with the hand­some knight.

But Marc de la Tresse refus­es to give up so eas­i­ly, impris­on­ing Marielle’s fam­i­ly in Monteville’s dun­geons. They will be left to die unless Marielle returns to France and mar­ries her husband’s killer.

Can Ash­by out­wit Marc and claim the love he’s hun­gered for, or will Marielle sac­ri­fice her free­dom to save the fam­i­ly that aban­doned her?

Destined for Love (Medieval Runaway Wives Book 3)

A wid­ow who seeks to pro­tect her unborn child. A knight will­ing to shield her from harm. A jour­ney where two souls come together—and a des­tined love is born … 

A lazy, jeal­ous broth­er ban­ished Sir Drake Har­court from his home once their par­ents died. Drake comes to Mal­low­bourne, home to the Baron and Baroness of Gay­nes­ford, and makes his mark with superb com­bat skills and a kind heart.

Lady Faylinn d’Albert wed her father’s close friend, a man more than three decades old­er. After ten years of mar­riage, her hus­band dies—and Faylinn finds her­self with child. Her bit­ter step­daugh­ter shoves Faylinn down the stairs, hop­ing it will kill her and the babe, so she can offer her­self to the king as a bride for the new baron and remain in her beloved home.

Drake finds the injured Faylinn and learns of the threat she faces, nurs­ing her with skills learned from his moth­er, an excep­tion­al heal­er. Faylinn pre­tends she doesn’t remem­ber the attempt on her life, try­ing to buy her­self time. But when her step­daugh­ter poi­sons Faylinn’s wine and Drake pre­vents her from drink­ing it, he knows her life is in dan­ger and spir­its her away.

On the jour­ney to her brother’s estate, the pair fall in love but their future is uncer­tain. If Faylinn births a daugh­ter, she is free. If she deliv­ers a son, she must return to Mal­low­bourne and raise the next baron—and wed a man of the king’s choice. Their fate hangs in the bal­ance, even as new threats appear.

Will Faylinn and Drake find happiness—or will they be torn apart forever?