The St. Clairs

*Each Regency romance in The St. Clairs may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series is avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

Devoted to the Duke — The St. Clairs Book 1

After return­ing to Lon­don from his Grand Tour, seri­ous-mind­ed Jere­my St. Clair, the Mar­quess of Sather, attends a ball and meets a lumi­nes­cent beau­ty who draws him out of his shell. They share a sear­ing kiss—her first—and though he nev­er planned to wed, Jere­my desires to make this young woman his. His life takes an unex­pect­ed turn when he leaves her that night. With his father’s death, Jere­my becomes the new Duke of Ever­ton, and learns the for­mer duke has left the St. Clair fam­i­ly almost pen­ni­less. Jere­my spends five years restor­ing the fam­i­ly for­tunes, yearn­ing for the auburn-haired beau­ty who under­stood him like no oth­er before.

Lady Cather­ine Craw­ford has been inun­dat­ed with offers of mar­riage and hasn’t cared for any of her suit­ors. She longs for love, see­ing how devot­ed her par­ents are to one anoth­er. When she meets Lord Sather, she believes they are meant to be togeth­er. Yet her world col­laps­es that night in a hor­rif­ic car­riage acci­dent, killing her moth­er and seri­ous­ly injur­ing both Cather­ine and her father. She retreats to their coun­try estate and once healed, cares her father and moth­ers her younger sis­ter, Leah.

When Jere­my and Cather­ine meet years lat­er, the sparks are still present—though Cather­ine has recent­ly learned a dark secret about her past, mak­ing it impos­si­ble to wed Jere­my with­out ruin­ing his rep­u­ta­tion. Through a mis­un­der­stand­ing, the ton believes them to be engaged and she goes along with the engage­ment, hop­ing to find a way to break it.

Will Catherine’s secret be revealed—and will Jere­my accept her if it becomes pub­lic knowl­edge? Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s first book of The St. Clairs, Devot­ed to the Duke. Free in Kin­dle Unlimited! 


Midnight with the Marquess — The St. Clairs Book 2

Lady Rachel St. Clair has wit­nessed how pow­er­ful love can be, thanks to the exam­ple her broth­er and wife set, and she won’t set­tle for any­thing less. At a house par­ty, Rachel meets an offi­cer return­ing from the Penin­su­lar War and believes she may have found love, thanks to their clan­des­tine mid­night lessons in kissing.

Major Evan Drake, Mar­quess of Mer­rick, wit­nessed his father mur­der his moth­er and believes love doesn’t exist. He’s returned from com­bat wound­ed in both body and soul. When he meets Rachel he changes his mind about love, drawn to the raven-haired beauty’s spir­it. Yet Rachel dev­as­tates him by reject­ing him before he can declare his feel­ings for her, send­ing Evan into a down­ward spi­ral that almost ends in death.

Nurs­ing her bro­ken heart, Rachel con­tin­ues her search for love the next Sea­son, though her thoughts linger on those mid­nights with her marquess.

Will Evan be able to regain Rachel’s trust—and open his heart to love?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s sec­ond book of The St. Clairs, Mid­night with the Marquess.  Free in Kin­dle Unlimited!


Embracing the Earl — The St. Clairs — Book 3

Luke St. Clair, Earl of May­field, has tired of his emp­ty, care­free life and seeks to find a spouse he can love and cher­ish, much as his broth­er and sis­ter have done. Rid­ding him­self of his mis­tress and lover, he com­mits to enter­ing the upcom­ing Sea­son with an open mind. Before the Sea­son can even begin, though, Luke meets an inde­pen­dent beau­ty who does more than inter­est him.

After Lady Car­o­line Andrews los­es her beloved sis­ter, she decides she needs a change of scenery and trav­els to Boston to vis­it her aunt, only to be strand­ed for three years when Eng­land and Amer­i­ca go to war. Once the peace accords are signed, Car­o­line returns to Lon­don. Find­ing her father has died deeply in debt, leav­ing his daugh­ter noth­ing, Car­o­line uses an inher­i­tance from her aunt to open her own book­store and tea­room. Need­ing to sup­port her­self, Car­o­line declares she will nev­er mar­ry. Falling in love with Luke St. Clair wasn’t in her plans and only com­pli­cates her life.

Luke is con­vinced the spir­it­ed, inde­pen­dent Car­o­line is the one for him. Will the rogue with a heart for chil­dren per­suade the stub­born book­seller that fate demands they wed?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s third book of The St. Clairs, Embrac­ing the Earl.  Free in Kin­dle Unlimited!


Defending the Duke — The St. Clairs — Book 4

Can love grow between a reluc­tant duke and an ille­git­i­mate shop girl?

Antho­ny God­win, trust­ed staff offi­cer to the Duke of Welling­ton, returns from the Napoleon­ic Wars to learn both his father and broth­er are dead and he is the new Duke of Lin­field. His anger and bit­ter­ness have grown through the years and he despis­es the Lin­field name—because his father gave Antho­ny away when he was eight years old. Now he finds him­self a part of the ton, with men seek­ing his advice and women vying to become his new duchess, all because of a title he now holds and nev­er wanted.

Lau­rel Wright grew up in pover­ty. When her moth­er dies, Lau­rel learns she and her twin broth­er are the ille­git­i­mate off­spring of the deceased Duke of Ever­ton. Pen­ni­less and starv­ing, she turns to the new Duke of Ever­ton in des­per­a­tion. Sud­den­ly, Lau­rel is swept into a glit­ter­ing, unfa­mil­iar world as she is launched into the Sea­son. Nav­i­gat­ing her way proves daunt­ing and when she is dis­cov­ered in a com­pro­mis­ing posi­tion with a man she’s only met, it leads to a quick mar­riage in which both part­ners agree that love will nev­er be a part of their relationship.

Antho­ny nev­er want­ed a wife and is abrupt­ly sad­dled with one. He tries to keep his dis­tance from the raven-haired beau­ty who is now his duchess, but Lau­rel proves to be irre­sistible. Pas­sion erupts between them and he finds him­self long­ing for a child, though he fights grow­ing clos­er to this new wife.

Will Lau­rel and Antho­ny be able to put the past behind them—and let love rule their future?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s fourth book of The St. Clairs, Defend­ing the Duke.  Free in Kin­dle Unlimited!


Suddenly a St. Clair — The St. Clairs — Book 5

Will a mar­riage of con­ve­nience blos­som into one filled with love?

Read Book 5 in the best­selling “The St. Clairs” series for free with Kin­dle Unlimited!

At age eigh­teen, Hud­son St. Clair learns he’s the Duke of Everton’s bas­tard. Though nev­er clamed by his father, the new duke, Hudson’s half-broth­er, accepts Hud­son into the fam­i­ly, gift­ing him with a uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tion and teach­ing him about the myr­i­ad of busi­ness­es con­trolled by the St. Clair fam­i­ly. His grand­moth­er, Cor, guides Hud­son in how to become a gen­tle­man and molds his char­ac­ter, mak­ing him a man to be reck­oned with. Upon Cor’s death, her wealth and estate will go to him—provided Hud­son weds with­in six­ty days after the read­ing of her will.

Lady Mia Sloane is an inven­tor, car­ing for her fee­ble-mind­ed father on their crum­bling coun­try estate. Upon his death, Mia is swept away to Lon­don by her pushy but lov­ing aunt, who tries to turn Mia into a woman she’s not. Attend­ing soci­ety events at night, Mia spends her days work­ing on her devices, espe­cial­ly the new steam engine she’s sold to Hud­son St. Clair and his family.

When Mr. St. Clair pro­pos­es a mar­riage of con­ve­nience in order to allow Mia to con­tin­ue work­ing on her pro­to­types, she leaps at the offer, despite nev­er hav­ing desired a hus­band or chil­dren. The only thing trou­bling her is her new hus­band tells her she’s not expect­ed to share his bed—the very thing Mia has become most inter­est­ed in doing since their exper­i­ments in kiss­ing have awak­ened some­thing with­in her that only Hud­son St. Clair can fill.

Can two mis­fits reject­ed by soci­ety come togeth­er and grow stronger through the last­ing bond of love?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s final book of The St. Clairs, Defend­ing the Duke. Free in Kin­dle Unlimited!