The Knights of Honor

Become swept away in The Knights of Hon­or, a 10-book medieval romance series set in the time of Edward III’s reign in Eng­land. At its heart are Geof­frey and Mer­ryn de Mont­fort, who will find last­ing love in Book 1’s Word of Hon­or. This pair plays a part in each book of the series—sometimes small, some­times large—as new cou­ples come togeth­er to find pas­sion and true love. Each romance focus­es on hon­or and the code of chival­ry that bound knights of this era. Books can be read as stand­alones and in any order, but you might enjoy start­ing from the beginning.

*All romances in this series are avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read as stand­alones. Read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited!

Word of Honor — Knights of Honor Book 1

 1351 A.D. – Betrothed from a young age, Mer­ryn Man­tel and Geof­frey de Mont­fort are that rare couple—a love match. They spend five long years apart when Geof­frey leaves Eng­land to fight against the French. Geof­frey returns after the Eng­lish vic­to­ry at Poitiers, and he and Mer­ryn wed. They spend one bliss­ful night con­sum­mat­ing their love, look­ing for­ward to a promis­ing future together.

Yet Geof­frey van­ish­es the next day. Mer­ryn is left lone­ly and con­fused as she clings to the hope that one day her hus­band will come back to her. Geof­frey final­ly returns almost sev­en years lat­er. This new Geof­frey is a stranger to Mer­ryn. He refus­es to reveal where he has been and why he stayed away from the woman he loved.

Will her husband’s silence cre­ate a rift too large to heal, or can Geof­frey and Mer­ryn recap­ture the love they once shared?

Join Geof­frey and Mer­ryn as they fight for the love both have held in their hearts despite their years apart.

Marked by Honor — Knights of Honor Book 2

1363 A.D. – Lady Beat­rice Bor­del los­es her moth­er and grand­fa­ther on the same day, leav­ing her pen­ni­less. With no pro­tec­tor and no prospects for mar­riage, her future is dis­mal. Hop­ing her grandfather’s old­est friend will take her in, Beat­rice jour­neys north and is set upon by a band of high­way­men. All seems lost—until Sir Raynor Le Roux arrives.

Raynor nurs­es a bro­ken heart as he returns to his home. He comes upon a scene of hor­ror in the woods and res­cues a beau­ti­ful woman who stirs strong emo­tions with­in him. When he learns that Lady Beat­rice trav­els to her betrothed and is alone in the world, the code of chival­ry that guides Raynor’s life com­pels him to escort her so that she may mar­ry her intended.

But Beat­rice has told Raynor a white lie, try­ing to pro­tect her­self, even as she is drawn to the hand­some knight. As their grow­ing attrac­tion turns to love, her dis­hon­esty stands in the way. Will Beat­rice admit to her decep­tion and tell Raynor the truth—or will this chival­rous knight turn away from the women he desires?

Join Raynor and Beat­rice as they trav­el toward their inevitable des­ti­na­tion of love.

Code of Honor — Knights of Honor Book 3

1365 A.D. — After the Earl of Sand­bourne ban­ish­es his sup­pos­ed­ly unfaith­ful wife to a con­vent, his young son Michael swears nev­er to set foot on the family’s estate until after his father’s death. Michael will then claim his title as the new earl and restore his beloved moth­er to a place of honor.

Fif­teen years pass, and the now-knight­ed Sir Michael Dev­ereux serves Lord Geof­frey de Mont­fort at Kin­wick Cas­tle. He accom­pa­nies the noble­man and his fam­i­ly to a wed­ding, where Michael unknow­ing­ly falls in love with the bride before he even knows her identity.

Lady Elysande Le Cler is angry that her usu­al­ly indul­gent father went against her wish­es and betrothed her to a stranger pri­or to his death. Now as her wed­ding day approach­es, dread fills her—until she meets a dash­ing stranger who helps her deliv­er a foal. Elysande los­es her heart to this knight, frus­trat­ed that they can nev­er be together.

Join Michael and Elysande as they find fate has oth­er plans in store for them. http://

Journey to Honor — Knights of Honor Book 4

1366 A.D. – Ken­ric Fair­fax is raised as the sec­ond son of the Earl of Shad­ow­faire. The day of his Knight­ing Cer­e­mo­ny, a tragedy takes place—and Ken­ric flees the north of Eng­land, putting his past behind him as he swears he will nev­er mar­ry. He becomes a trust­ed knight in ser­vice to Lord Michael Dev­ereux, who asks Ken­ric to lead an escort par­ty from Lon­don in order to bring his wife’s sis­ter home to Sandbourne.

Ave­lyn Le Cler has spent a year as a lady-in-wait­ing to Queen Philip­pa and finds the treach­ery at the roy­al court not to her lik­ing. She looks for­ward to a sum­mer vis­it with her sis­ter Elysande, who will soon give birth to her first child. While jour­ney­ing from Lon­don, Ave­lyn dis­cov­ers a secret about Sir Ken­ric Fair­fax that could change his life—if he believes her.

But Ave­lyn is plagued with doubts since she has no proof to present Ken­ric. As the cou­ple fall in love, Ave­lyn knows she must reveal to Ken­ric the truth she has learned about his birth—even if it costs her everything.

Join Ken­ric and Ave­lyn as the truth rips them apart—but their endur­ing love brings them togeth­er again.

Heart of Honor — Knights of Honor Book 5

1375 A.D. – When Sir Christo­pher “Kit” Emory’s beloved moth­er falls ill, he decides to seek the help of some­one he met briefly at the roy­al court years ago—Lady Alys de Mont­fort, a renowned heal­er despite her young age. While trav­el­ing to her home at Kin­wick Cas­tle, Kit is accost­ed by a band of high­way­man, who beat and rob him, leav­ing him to die. For­tu­nate­ly, an escort par­ty comes across him and Lady Alys insists they take the stranger home so she can use her skill in the heal­ing arts to save his life.

 The man awak­ens and has no mem­o­ry of his iden­ti­ty, but Alys believes he might be Kit Emory, a young man she’d met once when she was a young girl. Kit com­fort­ed her when the queen died and Alys nev­er for­got his kind­ness to her. Alys does what she can to jog Kit’s mem­o­ry, even as she strug­gles with her grow­ing attrac­tion to him, know­ing Kit was betrothed and must now be wed. Kit also finds his desire deep­en­ing for Alys, but he doesn’t know his own name, much less if he has a wife or fam­i­ly. Until he recalls who he is, he refus­es to com­mit his heart to Alys.

Once Kit regains his mem­o­ry and real­izes he is free to pur­sue Alys, their road to love is any­thing but smooth.

Join Kit and Alys asthey over­come events that con­tin­ue to tear them apart and threat­en the love they have for one anoth­er.

Bold in Honor — Knights of Honor Book 6

1381A.D. – As the Peas­ants’ Rebel­lion spreads through­out Eng­land, King Richard counts on Sir Ancel de Mont­fort to restore order in Kent and Essex. The king com­mands Ancel to secure High­field, an estate near Lon­don, and hous­es roy­al troops there to defend the area.

Lady Margery Ormond flees High­field as the upris­ing begins and mem­bers of her noble fam­i­ly are slaugh­tered. Sir Ancel res­cues her in the midst of bat­tle and returns Margery to her home, swear­ing to pro­tect her. Margery los­es her heart to the dash­ing knight and is thrilled when the king decides to reward Ancel by gift­ing him with High­field and mar­riage to Margery.

But Margery’s step­broth­er, Thurstan Vivers, escaped the peas­ants’ onslaught and arrives unex­pect­ed­ly to claim his inheritance—and con­trol of Margery’s fate. Can Ancel find a way to wed the woman he loves, despite Vivers’ plan to sell Margery to the high­est bidder?

Join Ancel and Margery as they seek an answer that will allow them to unite in holy mat­ri­mo­ny.

Love and Honor — Knights of Honor Book 7

1385 A.D. – Knight­ed on the bat­tle­field for extreme brav­ery, Edward de Mont­fort accepts an invi­ta­tion to serve in King Richard’s guard at the roy­al court. When the king sends him on a covert mis­sion to Can­ter­bury, Edward hopes suc­cess will allow him to win his free­dom so he can return home to a qui­eter life.

Lady Ros­alyne Par­ry los­es her par­ents when she is an infant and is raised by her uncle, an artist of some renown. Due to his fail­ing health, Ros­alyne takes over Tem­ple­ton Parry’s com­mis­sions, paint­ing in secret while per­mit­ting him to receive the cred­it since she believes no one would accept a woman as an artist.

Ros­alyne meets Edward while he is dis­guised as a peas­ant work­ing on Canterbury’s wall, and they fall deeply in love. When Edward reveals his true iden­ti­ty to Ros­alyne, he con­vinces her to come to London—and step out from the shad­ows in order to become rec­og­nized as an artist in her own right. Join Edward and Ros­alyne as they nav­i­gate the polit­i­cal waters at court and find a deep, abid­ing love.

Gift of Honor — Knights of Honor Book 8

*Win­ner of the 2019 Car­olyn Read­ers Award for Best His­tor­i­cal Romance

1387 A.D. – As a roy­al guards­men to King Richard II, Sir Hal de Mont­fort places duty above all else. When a roy­al rebel­lion threat­ens the king’s pow­er, Hal is caught up in a polit­i­cal game and winds up los­ing every­thing dear to him. Bro­ken in spir­it and stripped of all knight­ly pos­ses­sions, he begins the long jour­ney to Kin­wick, his par­ents’ home.

Because Lady Eli­nor Swan wasn’t the expect­ed male heir, her unfor­giv­ing father exiles her from Whit­ley after her moth­er dies in child­birth. Eli­nor is tak­en in by the estate’s fal­con­er and spends years train­ing to be a fal­con­er her­self. She res­cues Hal when he is injured by high­way­men. As he heals phys­i­cal­ly and she teach­es him about work­ing with rap­tors, Hal regains his con­fi­dence and becomes a bet­ter man than the charm­ing, light­heart­ed knight of the roy­al court he’d once been.

Will Eli­nor learn how to fit into a world she’s nev­er been a part of—especially after she fears she will be blamed for the death of a noble­woman who bore her a grudge?

Join Hal and Eli­no­ras they learn about each oth­er and what counts most in life.

Path to Honor — Knights of Honor Book 9

1388 A.D. – Lord Tris­tan Therolde is a bro­ken man who has closed him­self off from all feel­ings. He is work­ing to rebuild Lev­en­thor­pe, his estate, and wants to find his sis­ter a hus­band. Tris­tan trav­els to Sand­bourne, which boasts of hav­ing the best hors­es in all of Eng­land, hop­ing to add to his live­stock and breed hors­es. When he arrives, he meets a most unusu­al woman and fights his attrac­tion to her.

Nan de Mont­fort may not be accom­plished in wom­an­ly arts, but she can do any­thing a man can—especially when it comes to archery. Skilled with both a cross­bow and long­bow, Nan is train­ing her cousin’s sol­diers in war­fare when a hand­some noble­man arrives and catch­es her inter­est like no man has before.

Nan comes from a fam­i­ly where every­one mar­ries for love and is bit­ter­ly dis­ap­point­ed when she dis­cov­ers Tris­tan denies that love even exists. She rejects his offer of mar­riage because she refus­es to com­pro­mise and set­tle for less than she deserves, leav­ing both of them heart­bro­ken. When Tris­tan dis­cov­ers Nan’s life is in dan­ger, he rides to her res­cue and real­izes the spir­it­ed beau­ty was right all along—that love is real and lasting—but will he be able to share his dis­cov­ery with Nan?

Join Nan and Tris­tan as they fight against impos­si­ble odds to come togeth­er and unite in both trust and love.

Return to Honor — Knights of Honor Book 10

1395 A.D. – Adopt­ed as a new­born by one of England’s most pow­er­ful fam­i­lies, Jes­si­mond de Mont­fort is now grown—and curi­ous about her roots. She sets out to learn who she is away from her fam­i­ly and joins a mum­mers’ troupe, where she serves as a seam­stress and trou­ba­dour, hop­ing she’ll dis­cov­er love along the way, as all her mar­ried sib­lings have.

Return­ing from two years of bat­tle in the king’s ser­vice, Sir Mar­cus de Harte dis­cov­ers his beloved moth­er has died and his father has remar­ried and fathered a pair of daugh­ters. His anger dri­ves Mar­cus from Harte­field from his home and he finds a new home among a group of actors.

Drawn to one anoth­er, Jes­si­mond and Mar­cus become friends—and then lovers—until they are dri­ven apart by unfore­seen cir­cum­stances. Join Jes­si­mond and Mar­cus as they move heav­en and earth in order to unite once more and share in apow­er­ful love.

*For fans of The Knights of Hon­or, you might enjoy read­ing Rise of de Wolfe, a stand­alone pre­quel to the series where Geof­frey’s par­ents meet. It’s avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Amazon.