
*All novel­las can be read for free with Kin­dle Unlimited!

Hot Duke Summer–featuring my novel­la, Dilem­ma over a Duke

This anthol­o­gy has eight novel­las which are inspired by sum­mer movies. I took my inspi­ra­tion from MOONSTRUCK, where my hero­ine is betrothed to one brother–yet she falls in love with another!

This releas­es August 24, but you can pre­order it now for only 99-cents from Ama­zon:


One Mag­ic Night

Aidan Fly­nn isn’t a rogue, instead mod­el­ing him­self after his grand­fa­ther, the Duke of Sav­er­nake, who will leave Larkhaven to Aidan—if he weds in the next two weeks.

Lady Laris­sa Warren’s amoral fam­i­ly has pre­vent­ed her from mak­ing a suit­able match. Now, her father has told her to find a hus­band at tonight’s annu­al Sav­er­nake Stag Ball—or she must wed the ancient Lord Lang­don.

Aidan decides Laris­sa is the one, but she has no inter­est in mar­ry­ing an infa­mous Sin­ning Fly­nn. Will Aidan con­vince Laris­sa he is noth­ing like his rake­hell broth­ers and win the auburn-haired beauty’s hand?

The Duke That I Want

A duke who has no inter­est in love. A lady who will only wed for love. Will Eliz­a­beth con­vince Philip life is bet­ter with love?

Major Philip Ware unex­pect­ed­ly becomes the Duke of Dew­ber­ry. He has vowed nev­er to love a woman but will wed in order to pro­vide a ducal heir.

Lady Eliz­a­beth Sut­ton sees the love match her broth­er made. Though she has tak­en the ton by storm and has count­less offers of mar­riage, she will only wed for love.

Can Eliz­a­beth per­suade Philip life—and marriage—can be bet­ter with love?

The Bridge to Love

An unnamed ghost haunts a bridge cross­ing the Med­way Riv­er, seek­ing help from new­ly­weds
who promise to right a 500-year-old wrong …

Elric de Bergville of Wind­song goes against his father’s wish­es and weds his child­hood
sweet­heart, Lady Anne Glanville, at the cen­ter of the bridge which con­nects their fam­i­lies’
prop­er­ties. But the lovers are betrayed, cru­el­ly sep­a­rat­ed by death and time, forced to walk the
earth sep­a­rate­ly, with­in sight of one anoth­er.

Lady Iris Lan­g­ley returns to Glan­bury, her father’s coun­try estate, after a decade of liv­ing in
Lon­don and encoun­ters the Medieval ghost she befriend­ed as a child. Iris learns the ghost is
named Anne but can find no record of what hap­pened to her. In despair, she turns to Crispin
Bergville, her child­hood friend and now Earl of Windthorst, whose estate, Wind­song, lies across
from Glan­bury, sep­a­rat­ed by the Med­way Riv­er.

Sparks ignite between the pair and soon Iris and Crispin are betrothed. When the cou­ple
dis­cov­ers ini­tials inside a heart carved into the cen­ter of the bridge con­nect­ing their fam­i­lies’
estates, they believe it is the key to unlock­ing Anne’s sto­ry. The pair vows to learn the truth and
find a way to set Anne’s spir­it free.

Will Iris and Crispin be able to solve the mystery—or will Anne and Elric be doomed for all

A Very His­tor­i­cal Hol­i­day Collection

*This lim­it­ed time boxed set fea­tures four of my Christ­mas novel­las. Two spring from the St. Clairs series and fea­ture Luke & Car­o­line (Starlight Night and The Twelve Days of Love). Yule­tide at Gilling­ham fea­tures Reid & Ash­lyn from Sol­diers & Soul­mates, while Sea­son of Hon­or comes from The Knights of Hon­or and focus­es on Geof­frey & Merryn.

12 Days of Love: A St. Clairs Christ­mas Novella

12 gifts of love—with the best for last …

Inspired by the lyrics from The 12 Days of Christ­mas (a chant and not yet a song dur­ing Regency times), Luke St. Clair, Earl of May­field, is deter­mined to give his beloved wife of eight years, Car­o­line, a Christ­mas she will always remem­ber.

Car­o­line has fond mem­o­ries of the chant from her time in Boston with her beloved Aunt Evie, for whom Caroline’s book­shop is named. Luke locates a copy of the book where the lyrics to The 12 Days of Christ­mas were first pub­lished and has their four chil­dren mem­o­rize the lines to chant to their moth­er. He then plans, as the lover in the song, to present his count­ess with twelve dif­fer­ent gifts dur­ing the Christ­mas sea­son.

As the twelve days progress, Luke gifts Car­o­line with a new present each day. His final gift is the best of all, one that changes their family—but not the love between this cou­ple.

Yule­tide at Gillingham

One boy aban­doned by a greedy, gam­bling father …

Anoth­er boy watch­es his father slow­ly dying …

A last­ing friend­ship that will see them through the hard times—and beyond …

Christ­mas is com­ing to Gilling­ham, the coun­try seat of the Reid Bak­er, Duke of Gil­ford, and
home to Dun­wood Acad­e­my, a school for boys run by the Duchess of Gil­ford. Ash­lyn is with
child after their recent mar­riage and all seems right in their world—until two vis­i­tors bring
upset­ting news.

One is Vis­count Dal­worth, whose son, Thomas, is a new stu­dent at the acad­e­my. Shy and
with­drawn because of his mother’s recent death, Thomas is final­ly com­ing out of his shell,
thanks to his friend­ship with schol­ar­ship stu­dent Edward Pick­ens. The vis­count is on the prowl
for a wealthy wife and choos­es to attend a house par­ty dur­ing the hol­i­days, inform­ing Ash­lyn
that Thomas is an incon­ve­nience and he must remain at school dur­ing the Christ­mas hol­i­days.

The oth­er vis­i­tor is the local doc­tor, who brings heart­break­ing news of Edward’s father, a local
farmer who is dying of win­ter fever. Because of their sit­u­a­tions, the young friends will remain
with Reid and Ash­lyn over their Christ­mas break.

Though heart­break occurs, both Edward and Thomas mature and their friend­ship will endure for
many Yule­tides to come.


The Lyon’s Lady Love

On the night of her come-out, Lady Emma Spencer learns her father has bilked numer­ous peers. Not only is she humil­i­at­ed, but her father flees Eng­land, leav­ing Emma pen­ni­less and home­less. She finds work as a com­pan­ion and years lat­er, she winds up with a for­tune. All she lacks now is the chil­dren she so des­per­ate­ly desires. That means find­ing a husband—and she turns to The Black Wid­ow of White­hall, Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon, who pairs women touched by scan­dal with men in des­per­ate need of money.

Upon his father’s death, Mar­cus becomes the Earl of Ruther­ford and finds he’s bank­rupt, thanks to his father los­ing the fam­i­ly for­tune to poor invest­ments and gam­bling. Though Mar­cus had want­ed to wed for love, he turns to an infa­mous match­mak­er, who arranges a mar­riage for him. Lady Emma Spencer is every­thing he dreamed of in a woman, and Mar­cus gal­lant­ly refus­es to dis­cuss her past, telling Emma he is her future.

But secrets have a way of com­ing out and Mar­cus learns he’s mar­ried to the one woman he nev­er would have chosen.

Can Mar­cus put aside the ghosts of the past and accept a future with his wife?

Diana (The de Wolfes of Esterley Castle Book 1)

A woman whose rep­u­ta­tion was destroyed. A pow­er­ful earl who longs for chil­dren. Can they ignore the rag­ing gos­sip and find hap­pi­ness together?

Lady Diana de Wolfe’s curios­i­ty about kiss­ing led to her ruin before she ever made her come-out in Lon­don. Ban­ished from her home by a furi­ous, dis­ap­point­ed father, Diana gives birth out of wed­lock to twins and sup­ports her fam­i­ly with­out help until her par­ents’ deaths. Her broth­er, the new Earl of Reston, wel­comes her back into the fam­i­ly fold and takes Diana to Lon­don, hop­ing she can make a match—and demand­ing she keep silent about her chil­dren until she’s lands a husband.

Oliv­er Ward, Earl of Mer­ri­field, raised his sib­lings after his father’s trag­ic death and his mother’s sub­se­quent mad­ness. With his broth­er at uni­ver­si­ty and his sis­ter mak­ing her come-out, Oliv­er is ready to find a wife and start a fam­i­ly of his own. His good friend, Lady Mer­rick, whom he almost wed, promis­es to help him find the right woman.

Meet­ing short­ly before the Lon­don Sea­son begins, Oliv­er is drawn to Diana’s spir­it and beau­ty. Her attrac­tion for him only grows when he learns about her pre­co­cious twins and he is deter­mined to make her his.

Will the rumors regard­ing Diana’s past mis­takes doom this cou­ple in society’s eyes—or can love over­come gos­sip and save them both?

*Diana occurs after the events writ­ten about in Alexa Aston’s best­selling St. Clairs Trilogy—Devoted to the Duke, Mid­night with the Mar­quess, and Embraced by the Earl.

Derek (The de Wolfes of Esterley Castle Book 2)

He loved her—and was blind­sided when she wed anoth­er man …He refused her—and now her life is no longer her own …

Lady Amelia Ward is ecsta­t­ic that her broth­er, the Earl of Mer­ri­field, has just mar­ried for love. Amelia, who is in her first Sea­son, now wants the same for her­self. Though ton mar­riages rarely involve love, she has seen what a dif­fer­ence it’s made in Oliver’s life and she won’t set­tle for any­thing less—especially because she’s already in love with her new brother-in-law—who thinks her a featherbrain.

Derek de Wolfe, the new Earl of Reston, has seen his old­er sis­ter, Diana, wed to Lord Mer­ri­field. Now Derek’s ready to return to Northum­ber­land because he has no plans to wed for sev­er­al years, pre­fer­ring to focus on changes he wish­es to make at Ester­ley, his coun­try estate. In truth, he’s run­ning away from his grow­ing attrac­tion to Amelia, his new sis­ter-in-law, whom he knows believes in love.

When Amelia decides to make Derek jeal­ous, her plans back­fire. She finds her­self wed to a stranger who’s a known rake and her unhap­pi­ness grows when she real­izes the kind of mar­riage they will have.

Will Amelia find a way to escape a union that should nev­er have occurred and if she does, will Derek be wait­ing for her?















Thea (The de Wolfes of Esterley Castle Book 3)

Major Adam Ash­bury arrives home to learn he’s a mar­quess and then sud­den­ly a duke. Deter­mined to put the war behind him, he longs for a family—and love.

Lady Thea de Wolfe miss­es her Lon­don Sea­son after break­ing her leg and her first pub­lic out­ing is to a funeral—where she meets the Duke of Durham.

A house par­ty soon brings the cou­ple togeth­er, where their grow­ing attrac­tion takes root, despite oth­er young ladies vying to become the next Duchess of Durham, and Thea’s guardian doing his best to keep her from kiss­ing anyone.

Espe­cial­ly the Duke of Durham.

Rise of de Wolfe: Prequel to The Knights of Honor

1321 A.D. – After her brother’s death at the Bat­tle of Ban­nock­burn, Elia de Wolfe is sent to the roy­al court to serve as a lady-in-wait­ing to Queen Isabel­la. The grand­daugh­ter of Patrick de Wolfe, known as Nighthawk, and great-grand­daugh­ter of William de Wolfe, the Wolfe of the North, Elia is fierce­ly proud of her her­itage and yearns to return to her home after years of fos­ter­ing with the queen. When she learns her father is

deter­mined to keep her far from the bor­der trou­bles with Scot­land, Elia makes plans to return home.

Ferand de Mont­fort lost his young wife and son in child­birth and seeks a new bride—this time, one of his own choos­ing. He trav­els to Lon­don and is cap­ti­vat­ed by Elia de Wolfe, a spir­it­ed and intel­li­gent woman. Elia con­vinces Ferand to escort her home, under­stand­ing she will be in his debt. Ferand hopes col­lect­ing that debt will include mak­ing Elia his wife.

Elia’s increas­ing reluc­tance to reach home springs from her grow­ing attrac­tion to Ferand. She is torn between remain­ing loy­al to her fam­i­ly and los­ing her oppor­tu­ni­ty for true love.

Join Ferand and Elia on their jour­ney across Eng­land as they find love and unite two great Eng­lish fam­i­lies, the de Mont­forts and de Wolfes, in this excit­ing pre­quel to The Knights of Hon­or medieval romance series.

Starlight Night: A St. Clairs Christmas Novella

A child from the streets … A cou­ple with love in their hearts …

After her mother’s death, six-year-old Lucy is sold by her father to Driskell, a drunk who forces her and two orphans, Jem and Boy, to work the streets of Lon­don as pick­pock­ets. When Jem is killed in a car­riage acci­dent, Lucy and Boy run from their brutish own­er. Sep­a­rat­ed from Boy as they flee, Lucy must now learn how to sur­vive on her own.

Luke and Car­o­line St. Clair, Earl and Count­ess of May­field, are still mad­ly in love after sev­er­al years of mar­riage and have a grow­ing brood of three chil­dren whom they adore. They also own the pop­u­lar Evie’s Book­store and Tea­room. It is here Luke first encoun­ters a small child all alone, peer­ing into the store’s win­dows, hun­gri­ly eying the books on dis­play. Though young and seem­ing­ly inno­cent on first glance, he quick­ly real­izes that she is an old soul and a street urchin who must live by her wits and learns she is an orphan who belongs to no one.

In the midst of cel­e­brat­ing the Christ­mas sea­son with their family—and with love in their hearts for a child who needs them—can Luke and his count­ess con­vince a young, untrust­ing girl to become a part of their fam­i­ly?

Season of Honor: Geoffrey & Merryn’s First Christmas (a Knights of Honor Christmas Novella)

In the midst of cel­e­brat­ing their first Christ­mas togeth­er, Geof­frey and Mer­ryn de Mont­fort are sum­moned to their sta­bles, where a young woman is about to give birth on the most holy of all nights. Will her baby be the Christ­mas mir­a­cle a cou­ple at Kin­wick longs for?

Cover 400x600

God of the Seas (Prequel to The King’s Cousins)

1263 A.D. – Melisent Win­ches­ter grew up in a con­vent, orphaned at so young an age that she can’t remem­ber her par­ents. When a dying nun con­fess­es that Melisent is her daugh­ter, she also reveals that Melisent is a love child, the result of a liai­son between the nun and England’s king. Because of polit­i­cal tur­moil, Melisent’s life is now in dan­ger. An unnamed knight spir­its Melisent away and places her on a ship bound for Corn­wall, where she’ll wed a Cor­nish baron.

As com­man­der of the band of Eng­lish pirates known as Poseidon’s Legion, God­win Trenoweth is a man feared by all. When his crew stops to plun­der a ves­sel, lit­tle car­go is aboard, but some­thing of great val­ue is found locked in a cabin—King Henry’s bas­tard daugh­ter. God­win takes the fiery-haired beau­ty cap­tive, plan­ning to ran­som her to both the king and her intend­ed hus­band until God­win decides he wants the beau­ty for himself.

When God­win learns he was sold as a boy to the broth­er­hood of pirates he now com­mands so that his greedy uncle could claim the earl­dom God­win should have inher­it­ed, he seeks not only revenge, but a way to leave his pirate life behind in order to offer Melisent a bet­ter life.

Will God­win and Melisent find his uncle and claim a new life—or will Lord Stephen de Blays claim Melisent for him­self?