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New 2024 Regency Historical Romance Series

The Strongs of Shadowcrest

Wel­come to USA Today best­selling author Alexa Aston’s new Regency world—The Strongs of Shadowcrest—her first­time to spot­light the love sto­ries of a fam­i­ly of sib­lings since her pop­u­lar St. Clairs series.

Will a new­ly-mint­ed duke be able to win the heart of a woman who spurns the ton and has built a sat­is­fy­ing life for herself?

The Duke’s Unex­pect­ed Love is the first romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon for only 99 cents! https://amzn.to/3v5rNr0

Can a new vis­count con­vince his neighbor’s sis­ter that friends can become lovers—and that love does not lim­it a woman’s opportunities?

The Perks of Lov­ing a Vis­count is the sec­ond romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon:  https://amzn.to/48Yzpu0

Will a mar­quess set­tle for a mar­riage of convenience—or real­ize Georgina sees past his scars and loves the man he is?

Falling for the Mar­quess is the third romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTHQ5C3L

Will Drake allow obsta­cles to keep them apart–or will love tri­umph over Polite Soci­ety’s expec­ta­tions for the wid­owed duchess?

The Cap­tain and the Duchess is the fourth romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYQK16DJ

Can a stub­born beau­ty who will only mar­ry for love tame the best-known rake in Lon­don? (Tempt­ed by the Earl)

Will Silas find the courage to believe in him­self and love—and con­vince Lyric they can share a life of hap­pi­ness? (The Vis­coun­t’s Heart)

Courtship at Shad­ow­crest is the fifth romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. This romance is unique because it is a duet and tells TWO love sto­ries in one vol­ume! Order from Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D5Z1T21N/

Will Byron wed anoth­er woman and pine for Mirella the rest of his life, or will he choose love over duty to his family?

The Mar­quess’ Quest for Love is the sixth romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D8XLJNLN/

Will a duke con­vince a tomboy that his love knows no bounds and he accepts her as she is?

The Duke’s Guide to Win­ning a Lady is the sev­enth and final romance in my The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. Order from Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFZT7GC5/

New 2024 Contemporary Small-Town Series

Lost Creek, Texas Hill Country

Wel­come to Lost Creek, a small town deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Coun­try, where peo­ple come seek­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties and a chance to rein­vent themselves—and maybe even find love. The entire series can be read for free with Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. It releas­es between May-September.

Can a wine­mak­er and event planner—both rocked by scan­dal and betrayal—heal emo­tion­al­ly when their friend­ship turns into love?

The Per­fect Blend is the first romance in my Lost Creek, Texas Hill Coun­try small town romance series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Blend-Small-Town-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CRWVJL5P/

Will an artist leave every­thing behind—including her bud­ding romance with a cof­fee­house owner—to pur­sue a career beyond Lost Creek?

Paint­ed Melodies is the sec­ond romance in my Lost Creek, Texas Hill Coun­try small town romance series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. https://www.amazon.com/Painted-Melodies-Small-Town-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CRWV4Q1D/

Can a nov­el­ist and pho­tog­ra­ph­er find suc­cess in their pro­fes­sion­al lives while learn­ing to love—and trust—again?

Script of Love is the third romance in my Lost Creek, Texas Hill Coun­try small town romance series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. https://www.amazon.com/Script-Love-Small-Town-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CRWZH7JL/

Can a for­mer sol­dier turned pit­mas­ter con­vince a beau­ti­ful bak­er to open her heart to love?

Love in Every Bite is the fourth romance in my Lost Creek, Texas Hill Coun­try small town romance series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. https://www.amazon.com/Love-Every-Bite-Small-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CRWV3BNV/

Will Tuck­er and Rea­gan nav­i­gate their com­pli­cat­ed feel­ings for one anoth­er and face their fears, even as they learn to trust—and love—again?

Whis­pered Melodies is the final romance in my Lost Creek, Texas Hill Coun­try small town romance series. Each book in the series is a stand­alone sto­ry that can be enjoyed out of order. https://www.amazon.com/Whispered-Melodies-Small-Town-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CRWVPDHN/


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