About Alexa


Award-win­ning, USA Today best­selling author Alexa Aston lives with her hus­band in a Dal­las sub­urb, where she eats her fair share of dark choco­late and plots out sto­ries while she walks every morn­ing. She loves read­ing, binge-watch­ing, trav­el, and sport­ing events when she’s not play­ing with her adorable grands, Sun­shine & Buddy.

A for­mer his­to­ry teacher, Alexa’s his­tor­i­cal romances are set dur­ing the Regency, Medieval, and Amer­i­can Old West Eras—where she brings to life love­able rogues, dash­ing knights, and rugged cow­boys and law­men. She also writes con­tem­po­rary romances which are light and flir­ty and some­times con­tain a bit of suspense.

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