Suddenly a Duke

Wel­come to Sud­den­ly a Duke—the new Regency romance world from USA Today best­selling author Alexa Aston.

Eight titled peers who nev­er expect­ed to become dukes do just that—and are attract­ed to females whom Polite Soci­ety does not believe wor­thy of the title duchess, due to their desires to be more than typ­i­cal ladies of the ton.

 But these sud­den dukes choose to forge their own paths with the remark­able women who are already doing just that—and the result­ing love proves that trust­ing one’s heart is always the right choice.

*Each Regency romance in Sud­den­ly a Duke may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A fun-lov­ing man who has become a staid duke. An inde­pen­dent lady who wish­es to pur­sue her artis­tic bent. A long-ago meet­ing which left a last­ing impres­sion on them both … 

Daniel Jud­son, the Duke of West­field, changed from a care­free young rogue into a sober duke once faced with a moun­tain of respon­si­bil­i­ties after he assumed his grandfather’s title. After see­ing both his sis­ters wed, Daniel knows it is final­ly time for him to take a wife in order to pro­vide the nec­es­sary ducal heir.

Lady Mar­garet Townsend’s come-out was delayed by the ill health and sub­se­quent deaths of her par­ents. Now an ancient four and twen­ty, she makes her debut into Polite Society—not to find a husband—but to secure impor­tant social con­nec­tions with­in the ton in order to acquire com­mis­sions to paint their por­traits, a dream she has long held.

Sparks sur­faced dur­ing their ini­tial encounter ten years ago. Their sec­ond intro­duc­tion at the inau­gur­al ball of the Sea­son leaves Daniel cer­tain he has found his duchess, while Mar­garet is con­fused by the nev­er-known feel­ings stir­ring with­in her.

Will the duke con­vince this lady she can have both mar­riage and her art—or will her stub­born­ness to fol­low a cho­sen path have her miss out on love?

*Order from Ama­zon for only 99-cents:

A rule-fol­low­ing vis­count who becomes a sud­den duke. A young woman who los­es her par­ents and turns to music for solace. Two peo­ple who want very dif­fer­ent things from life … 

Lord Hen­ry Vaughn wit­ness­es the deaths of his father and grand­fa­ther and becomes the new Duke of Lin­ber­ry. A decent, kind, and respon­si­ble man, Hen­ry knows after this dou­ble tragedy that it is impor­tant he take a wife and pro­vide a ducal heir since death can come call­ing unexpectedly.

Lady Sophia Sawyer los­es both her par­ents close­ly togeth­er and mourns them the req­ui­site year. When her cousin, the new Lord Parkhurst, calls her to Lon­don, she believes it is so she might make her delayed come-out. Instead, Fia is ban­ished to live in the attic like a ser­vant, while Parkhurst sched­ules her to give music lessons to chil­dren of the ton, keep­ing the fees for himself.

The cou­ple meets through mutu­al friends and the duke is drawn to the qui­et, gold­en-haired beau­ty. When Fia shares she wants to play and com­pose her own music, how­ev­er, Hen­ry is torn, wor­ried what Polite Soci­ety would think of a duchess who is any­thing but conventional.

Will the duke learn to bend—and even let go of the ton’s rigid, unwrit­ten rules—and instead choose to fol­low his heart?

A hab­er­dash­ery own­er who sud­den­ly dis­cov­ers he’s a duke. A woman of the ton stained by scan­dal. A deathbed request which brings this pair together … 

Hab­er­dash­er Pierce Selkirk always knew he was the son of an earl. Much to his sur­prise, he learns he is not ille­git­i­mate as he had been led to believe. With his father’s death, he becomes the Duke of Stone­ham and must take up respon­si­bil­i­ties beyond his comprehension.

Lady Nalyssa Shel­bourne was the dar­ling of the ton until her gam­bling father went bank­rupt and com­mit­ted sui­cide. The sui­cide cast a shad­ow upon Nalyssa, and she now earns her liv­ing prepar­ing men who have unex­pect­ed­ly come into a title, train­ing them to take their places in Polite Society.

Nalyssa trav­els to Stonecrest, where she meets her next client, a man she is wild­ly attract­ed to. The new duke also desires Nalyssa, and she does her best to hold him at arms’ length as she trains him in the idio­syn­crasies and unwrit­ten rules of the ton. Nalyssa knows Stone­ham must make a bril­liant mar­riage, if only to help his sis­ter and help her find her foot­ing in Polite Society.

Will this duke cre­ate an even greater scan­dal by pursuing—and wedding—a woman bare­ly tol­er­at­ed by the ton?

A twin back from war, his broth­er dying in his arms. A woman who has trav­eled the world and learned from those trav­els. Two peo­ple who don’t fit into the con­strict­ing rules of London’s Polite Society … 

Major Eli­jah Young nev­er met his father, the Duke of Brad­ford, who believed his young wife betrayed him and gave birth to twin sired by anot*Cher man. Now, two deaths have changed the tra­jec­to­ry of Elijah’s life—and he is the new duke. Eli­jah vows nev­er to wed and father chil­dren, want­i­ng the ducal line to end with him.

Miss Abi­gail Trent lost both her par­ents and spent a decade with her guardian, jour­ney­ing to exot­ic coun­tries around the world. Abby takes her expe­ri­ences and begins Trent Fur­nish­ings, sketch­ing fur­ni­ture influ­enced by her trav­els and hav­ing crafts­men bring her visions to life. The ton is who can afford her designs, and so she enters Polite Soci­ety to bring notice to her business.

Nei­ther Eli­jah nor Abby want marriage—and love is out of the question—yet their attrac­tion grows as she accepts his com­mis­sion to fur­nish his entire Lon­don townhouse.

Will this unlike­ly pair admit their feel­ings for one another—or will their lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion pre­vent them from find­ing last­ing happiness?

A career army offi­cer who nev­er has known love. The bas­tard daugh­ter of an earl who owns a millinery shop. A grow­ing pas­sion that could turn Polite Soci­ety on its ear … 

Major-Gen­er­al Nigel Foxwell has spent his entire adult life at war. When he receives word that his much old­er half-broth­er has died, Fox inher­its not only the title Duke of Abington—but he becomes the guardian to his two nieces who are on the verge of mak­ing their come-outs.

Miss Delaney Cole­bourne lost her beloved father and suf­fers the wrath of his heir. The new Lord Kin­ni­son tells mem­bers of the ton if they fre­quent Delaney’s Designs, he and Lady Kin­ni­son will give them the cut direct. His edict caus­es Delaney’s busi­ness to evap­o­rate overnight.

A chance meet­ing at a solicitor’s office has Fox plead­ing with Delaney to help him man­age his nieces’ come-outs. She agrees to design the young ladies’ wardrobes and has her for­mer employ­ees help her in mak­ing up gowns for the pair. An attrac­tion grows—and Fox and Delaney act upon—but she refus­es to mar­ry him.

Will this new­ly-mint­ed duke con­vince Delaney that she can main­tain her inde­pen­dence and still love him—or will her mis­trust of Polite Soci­ety pre­vent her from a life­time of love?

A fourth son instant­ly pro­pelled into a duke­dom. A beau­ti­ful woman try­ing to sup­port her­self as a gov­erness. Two peo­ple who want to be accepted—and who long for love …

Xan­der Hugh­es, London’s biggest rake, sud­den­ly finds him­self in over his head, becom­ing the Duke of Brock­bank and guardian to two nieces he has nev­er met. He decides he must turn over a new leaf and become a sober, respon­si­ble duke and starts by hir­ing a gov­erness for the girls. But Miss Fen­ni­more is a most unique gov­erness with her odd meth­ods of education—and soon Xan­der won­ders if she might make for an even bet­ter duchess.

Willa Fennimore’s par­ents were the toast of London’s the­atre world until Theo­dosia Fen­ni­more mur­dered her play­wright hus­band and then leaped to her death. Not wish­ing to become an actress like her moth­er, Willa sup­ports her­self as a com­pan­ion and gov­erness for a decade, find­ing her lat­est post is to instruct a duke’s two unruly nieces.

As Willa falls in love with the orphaned girls, she finds her­self also tum­bling into love with the Duke of Brock­bank. She’s been warned that the duke was a wild rogue before he inher­it­ed his title, but Willa only knows the car­ing man who meets his duties head on and spends an inor­di­nate amount of time with his nieces, who aren’t so ter­ri­ble after all.

After Brock­bank offers mar­riage to Willa, she dreams of a new life filled with love and hap­pi­ness. The only thing stand­ing in her way is the secret of her past. If Willa shares her back­ground, she fears she might lose Xan­der forever.

Will Xan­der reject Willa when he learns of the scan­dal involv­ing her parents—or will this rule-break­ing duke flout the rules of Polite Soci­ety yet again and make a most inap­pro­pri­ate woman his duchess?

An army offi­cer who has returned to his child­hood home. An earl’s daugh­ter forced to earn her own liv­ing. Two dam­aged souls who find friend­ship … and love …

Lieu­tenant-Gen­er­al Cyrus Cressley’s head wound leaves him blind in one eye and unsuit­ed to lead men into bat­tle. Sell­ing his com­mis­sion, Cy returns to Mel­rose to find his father long dead and his dis­tant broth­er, who is in poor health, the new Duke of Mar­gate. Cy is giv­en use of the hunt­ing lodge on the estate, where he seeks to find his pur­pose in life after being forced from the military.

Lady Fino­la Honeyfield’s come-out was ruined when a cru­el trick was played upon her, leav­ing her to trust no one but her dogs. She retreats to the coun­try and becomes one of England’s pre­mier train­ers of Eng­lish springer spaniels, hav­ing found a way to earn her keep, even as she is lost in loneliness.

Thanks to her Hon­ey­field spaniels, Fino­la has a chance meet­ing with Cy. Soon, a friend­ship springs up between them, with Cy even help­ing Fino­la train her cur­rent lit­ter of pups. But these two keep secrets from one anoth­er and when Cy sud­den­ly finds him­self the Duke of Mar­gate, Fino­la wash­es her hands of him.

Can Cy con­vince Fino­la they are meant to be togeth­er and forge a path as the Duke and Duchess of Margate—or will her mis­trust of gen­tle­men of the ton keep them apart forever?

A seri­ous cler­gy­man whose broth­ers die, leav­ing him an unex­pect­ed duke. A woman who is mak­ing her way as a Bow Street run­ner. An inves­ti­ga­tion that leads them to the truth—and each other … 

Jasper Lin­coln is hap­py tend­ing to his con­gre­ga­tion when news arrives of his brother’s death in bat­tle. Jasper’s father, ail­ing for sev­er­al months, slips away, unable to bear the news. And on that same night, Jasper’s broth­er, Lord Sut­ton, drunk­en­ly falls down the stairs, dying instant­ly, mak­ing Jasper a sud­den duke. He har­bors lin­ger­ing sus­pi­cions about these two deaths and seeks help at Bow Street.

Orphan Shel­by Slade grew up on the cru­el streets of Lon­don, sur­viv­ing as a pick­pock­et until being res­cued by Mr. Franklin, head of the Bow Street run­ners. Shel­by finds her pur­pose, becom­ing the only female agent at Bow Street. She is assigned to the Duke of Edgehaven’s case and fights the grow­ing attrac­tion she feels for the solemn clergyman-turned-duke.

As her inquiry pro­ceeds, Shel­by believes the pre­vi­ous duke was poi­soned with arsenic and that the new duke’s niece, who has sud­den­ly turned mute, may have wit­nessed her own father’s mur­der. Togeth­er, with Edgehaven’s help, she search­es for answers, want­i­ng to uncov­er the truth regard­ing both deaths.

Will Shelby’s inves­ti­ga­tion lead to dis­cov­er­ing the killer’s identity—and will she live long enough to claim hap­pi­ness with Jasper?*Coming Novem­ber 21, 2023.