Soldiers & Soulmates

*Each Regency romance in Sol­diers & Soul­mates may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

To Heal An Earl — Soldiers & Soulmates Book 1

Instead of mak­ing her come-out dur­ing the upcom­ing Lon­don Sea­son, Lady Char­lotte Nott finds her­self tossed from her home after her father’s untime­ly death by a venge­ful half-broth­er. Pen­ni­less, she makes her way in a world new to her, first serv­ing as a com­pan­ion and then gov­erness to the three chil­dren of Lord Cramp­ton. When the earl dies moments after hir­ing her, Char­lotte takes on the run­ning of Gray Manor’s house­hold and estate until the children’s new guardian arrives.

Guilt weighs heav­i­ly on Major Dan­forth Grayson, hav­ing lost too many men under his com­mand over the years. When he receives word of the death of the broth­er who wronged him, Gray returns home, bit­ter with the hand life has dealt him. He intends to hire com­pe­tent peo­ple to man­age the estate and care for his nephew and nieces and retreat to a soli­tary life in London—until he meets the inim­itable Miss Nott.

Char­lotte is drawn to Gray but knows she is no longer of his world. When he sud­den­ly becomes the new Lord Cramp­ton, she knows it’s time to leave her charges behind—for what woman would care to watch the man she loves wed anoth­er and start a fam­i­ly as she suf­fers in silence? Yet Char­lotte knows Gray is a bro­ken man and her leav­ing might shat­ter him forever.

Can Char­lotte walk away from a flawed man who des­per­ate­ly needs her, or will she leave before she los­es her own soul?    *Free in Kin­dle Unlimited!

To Tame A Rogue — Soldiers & Soulmates Book 2

To pre­vent her father from mar­ry­ing her off to an elder­ly suit­or, Lady Gem­ma Bar­ton begs her child­hood friend to mar­ry her, devis­ing a way for them to be found in a com­pro­mis­ing posi­tion. Gem­ma weds Rob, who then departs to serve on Wellesley’s staff in the war against Bonaparte.
Gemma’s new father-in-law soon has her work­ing for the British gov­ern­ment, deci­pher­ing ene­my codes.

Burke Nichol­son serves in the Penin­su­lar War as a sol­dier and spy, using his charis­ma and charm to gath­er intel­li­gence. After he’s res­cued from being cap­tured and tor­tured, Burke lives with survivor’s guilt, believ­ing he did some­thing to com­pro­mise his lat­est mis­sion which got his part­ner killed. He returns to Lon­don to con­tin­ue his spy work, where he is part­nered with Gem­ma and tasked to find a group of trai­tors with­in the War Office. The trou­ble is that Gem­ma is the wid­ow of Burke’s for­mer part­ner. Not only did he get her hus­band killed, but Burke fears their dan­ger­ous assign­ment might also end Gemma’s life.

The pair fight their grow­ing attrac­tion to one anoth­er as they draw clos­er to find­ing the rebels try­ing to top­ple the British government.

Will Gem­ma ever be able to for­give Burke for his role in her husband’s death, and will Burke ever be able to for­give himself?   *Free in Kin­dle Unlimited

To Trust A Duke — Soldiers & Soulmates Book 3

Forced to mar­ry a stranger after one chaste kiss, Lady Ash­lyn Dun­wood spends a sin­gle night with her new hus­band before his reg­i­ment ships off to war. She gives birth to a son and los­es the boy four years lat­er in a trag­ic acci­dent, only to learn she’s also a war wid­ow. Ash­lyn invests her set­tle­ment and what’s left of her shat­tered heart in Dun­wood Acad­e­my, a school for trou­bled boys. When a dev­as­tat­ing­ly hand­some duke begs her to take on his way­ward half-broth­ers as pupils, Ash­lyn is up for the challenge—but finds her­self fight­ing her attrac­tion to the arro­gant nobleman.

Colonel Reid Bak­er arrives home from the Penin­su­lar War and finds him­self the Duke of Gil­ford, assum­ing his new respon­si­bil­i­ties and plac­ing his rebel­lious half-broth­ers at a local acad­e­my. Know­ing he’ll need an heir, he sets his sights on the head­strong, con­fi­dent Lady Dun­wood, who claims she’ll nev­er wed again. Con­vinc­ing the dowa­ger count­ess to mar­ry him becomes Reid’s mis­sion, as he jumps every hur­dle Ash­lyn places in his way—and along that way, the cool-head­ed for­mer army offi­cer los­es his heart to the intel­li­gent beauty.

Will Reid break through the walls Ash­lyn has erect­ed around her and teach her to live—and love?    *Free in Kin­dle Unlimited

To Save a Life — Soldiers & Soulmates Book 4

Child­hood sweet­hearts Desmond Bret­ton and Anna Brown­ing defy their pow­er­ful fathers and elope to Gret­na Green when Anna is told she will mar­ry a vis­count old enough to be her grand­fa­ther. Caught before they cross the Scot­tish bor­der, Dez is shipped off to the army, where he learns of Anna’s sui­cide. Though a dozen years pass, Dez still loves the girl who always held his heart.

Though every­one is told Anna died, her father places his daugh­ter in a mad­house to pun­ish her for her rebel­lious behav­ior. Anna retreats inside her­self to a world of her own mak­ing in order to cling to her san­i­ty. Dez, her lost love, is a huge part of that per­fect world.

When Dez becomes the Earl of Tor­ring­ton, he dis­cov­ers Anna is still alive and with her cousin’s help, they free her from Golling­ham Asy­lum. Dez knows the girl he loves still lingers with­in Anna and is deter­mined to lib­er­ate her, as well as oth­er women impris­oned at the madhouse.

Can Dez save the san­i­ty of the woman he loves—or will Anna be lost to him forever?  *Free in Kin­dle Unlimited

Coming in July — To Win a Widow — Soldiers & Soulmates Book 5

A wid­owed duchess at loose ends, long­ing for love. A colonel with no fam­i­ly who unex­pect­ed­ly becomes an earl. Two stub­born indi­vid­u­als who are drawn togeth­er by passion—and also find friendship …

Dalin­da Bret­ton wed the Duke of Gil­ford after one brief meet­ing, escap­ing a cru­el, unlov­ing father before he can betroth her to a stranger. The much old­er duke gives her con­fi­dence, sta­bil­i­ty, and two sons before he dies of a heart attack a dozen years into their mar­riage. With her young boys away at school, Dalin­da is at loose ends and vis­its her broth­er, where she meets a sin­ful­ly hand­some stranger.

Rhys Armis­tead toils as a work­ing-class groom when he is plucked from obscu­ri­ty by the Earl of Sheff­in­g­ton, whose sick­ly son might nev­er live to suc­ceed him. Rhys’ moth­er is a dis­tant cousin to the earl and Rhys is next in line to become Lord Sheff­in­g­ton if the heir appar­ent pass­es. Treat­ing Rhys as a sec­ond son, the earl pur­chas­es a com­mis­sion in the army for Rhys, who spends a dozen years fight­ing on the con­ti­nent until he receives word that he has inher­it­ed the earldom.

Turn­ing to Dez, his clos­est friend from the war who recent­ly returned to Eng­land when he unex­pect­ed­ly became an earl, Rhys vis­its the new Lord Torrington—and is tak­en with Dez’s twin sis­ter, Dalin­da, a viva­cious wid­ow. The cou­ple spends one mag­i­cal night togeth­er but Rhys real­izes the duchess is far supe­ri­or to him social­ly and offers her friend­ship instead of marriage.

Can Dalin­da con­vince Rhys that they are a per­fect match—or will his stub­born­ness keep them apart forever?  *Free in Kin­dle Unlimited