
I’m branch­ing out now and am work­ing with fab­u­lous nar­ra­tors on audio­book of some of my series!

Price Wald­man nar­rates the first four of my Regency St. Clairs series. His nar­ra­tion of Devot­ed to the Duke was nom­i­nat­ed for the RONE audio­book award.

Brad Wills nar­rates The King’s Cousins medieval tril­o­gy. All three of these audio­books were nom­i­nat­ed for the RONE audio­book award.

Bri­an J. Gill nar­rates all five books in my Dukes of Dis­tinc­tion series, and he also took on the task of nar­rat­ing the final book of the St. Clairs. Bri­an’s nar­ra­tion of Duke of Charm has been nom­i­nat­ed for the RONE audio­book award.

Matthew Lloyd Davies took on my Dukes Done Wrong series.

Gary Fur­long is nar­rat­ing my Sec­ond Sons of Lon­don series.

All these men are true pro­fes­sion­als and have been love­ly to work with on these romance series. Hope you will give a lis­ten to one–or all!


The St. Clairs

Devot­ed to the Duke

Mid­night with the Mar­quess

Embrac­ing the Earl

Defend­ing the Duke

Sud­den­ly a St. Clair

The King’s Cousins

The Pawn

The Heir

The Bas­tard

Dukes of Distinction

Duke of Renown:

Duke of Charm:

Duke of Dis­re­pute:

Duke of Arro­gance:

Duke of Hon­or:

Dukes Done Wrong

Dis­cour­ag­ing the Duke:

Deflect­ing the Duke:

Dis­rupt­ing the Duke:

Delight­ing the Duke:

Des­tiny with a Duke:


Second Sons of London

Edu­cat­ed by the Earl:

Debat­ing with the Duke:

Empow­ered by the Earl:

Made for the Mar­quess:

Dubi­ous about the Duke:

Val­ued by the Vis­count:

Meant for the Mar­quess: com­ing Decem­ber 12, 2023. Pre­order: