
Check out each tab for infor­ma­tion on my his­tor­i­cal and con­tem­po­rary romance series, includ­ing cov­ers and blurbs:

The Strongs of Shad­ow­crest (Com­ing Feb­ru­ary-Octo­ber 2024)

Lost Creek (Com­ing May-Sep­tem­ber 2024)

Sud­den­ly a Duke

Sug­ar Springs

Sec­ond Sons of London

Maple Cove

Dukes Done Wrong

Dukes of Distinction

Hol­ly­wood Name Game

Law­men of the West

Sol­diers and Soulmates

The St. Clairs

Sage­bush Brides

The King’s Cousins

The Knights of Honor

Medieval Run­away Wives

Knights of Redemption