Captivating Kisses

Three families—the Worthingtons, Alingtons, and Fultons. Ten cousins named for Roman and Byzantine rulers and their spouses. And ten occasions when a kiss which will change everything for the couple involved.

Wel­come to the new Regency world cre­at­ed by best-sell­ing author Alexa Aston in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es!

*Each Regency romance in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kiss­es may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. Books 1–5 will be pub­lished in 2025, and Books 6–10 will be released in 2026.

A com­mon labor­er who becomes a mar­quess. A car­ing debu­tante who wants to be more than a pret­ty face in a pret­ty gown. An unex­pect­ed kiss, which changes the course of their lives …

Lon­don dock­work­er Julian Watts was born out of wed­lock. Raised by his seam­stress moth­er, he has only known gnaw­ing pover­ty. Through a remark­able dis­cov­ery, he morphs into Julian Bar­ring­ton, Mar­quess of Aldridge. Thrust into a world he nev­er imag­ined, Julian grap­ples with his new­found sta­tus and the weight of the respon­si­bil­i­ties that come with it.

Lady Ari­adne Wor­thing­ton is on the verge of mak­ing her come-out when she meets her family’s new neigh­bor, a titled gen­tle­man that she is inex­plic­a­bly drawn to. Lord Aldridge becomes friend­ly with her broth­er and cousin, and the more time she spends in the mar­quess’ com­pa­ny, the more their attrac­tion grows.

An unex­pect­ed kiss from Julian leads Ari­adne to believe he will pur­sue her, but once the Sea­son begins, he dash­es her hopes, ignor­ing her and danc­ing with noth­ing but wall­flow­ers. As a dia­mond of the first water, Ari­adne has her pick of suit­ors, yet the come-out Sea­son she had long looked for­ward to now holds no appeal because of her bro­ken heart.

Will Julian find the courage to con­quer his self-doubts and court the love he so des­per­ate­ly desires, or will he allow his feel­ings of inad­e­qua­cy to pre­vent him—and Ariadne—from find­ing last­ing love?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Unex­pect­ed Kiss, the first book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses

*An Unex­pect­ed Kiss releas­es 4 Feb­ru­ary 2025. Order now from Ama­zon for only 99-cents:

A hard­ened mar­quess who feels he has no soul. A naive young lady mak­ing her come-out. An impul­sive kiss which leads to a mar­riage of convenience …

Jud­son Jarvis, Mar­quess of Hunts­ber­ry, was raised by his uncle, who bru­tal­ly pun­ished Jud­son in order to tough­en the orphaned weak­ling. As he grew in size, Jud­son retal­i­at­ed against all the boys at school who had bul­lied him, until every­one became fright­ened of him. Now, Jud­son is angry, bored, and entire­ly friendless.

Lady Lucil­la Aling­ton is thought­ful and nur­tur­ing. She is mak­ing her come-out this Sea­son, but her fam­i­ly wor­ries that the wrong men will be attract­ed to her inno­cent charm and large dowry. When two rake­hells decide to ruin the naïve young lady, Jud­son rash­ly inter­venes, chas­ing away the men who would have ruined her rep­u­ta­tion, and cap­tur­ing her del­i­cate lips with a fer­vent kiss. His impul­sive action, meant to save her from ruina­tion, sets off a chain reac­tion of unfore­seen consequences.

Now bound togeth­er in a mar­riage of con­ve­nience, Jud­son and Lucy must nav­i­gate their way through the mar­riage forced upon them.

Can Jud­son and Lucy’s impul­sive choice become the foun­da­tion for a love that lasts a life­time, or will the tri­als they face prove insurmountable?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Impul­sive Kiss, the sec­ond book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Impul­sive Kiss releas­es 11 April 2025. Pre­order now from Ama­zon for only 99-cents:

An intro­vert­ed earl who can­not escape the night­mare of war. A free-spir­it­ed beau­ty with no inter­est in mar­riage or babes. An inno­cent kiss that begins to change everything …

Only son Per­ry Beau­mont resents his father’s neglect of Beauville, the family’s coun­try estate, and asks his father for more author­i­ty to make deci­sions in run­ning it. When his father rejects the idea, Per­ry leaves Eng­land for the Napoleon­ic Wars. Return­ing four years lat­er upon his father’s death, he suf­fers from night­mares and won­ders if he will ever be the man he was before he lived in dai­ly car­nage, even as he takes up his new duties as the Earl of Martindale.

Lady Drusil­la Aling­ton leaps at an invi­ta­tion to vis­it her new­ly-mar­ried sis­ter in Sur­rey, ready to escape her dom­i­neer­ing moth­er. Dru has an affin­i­ty for ani­mals and dreads mak­ing her come-out next spring, not want­i­ng to be parad­ed about on the Mar­riage Mart.

With her brother-in-law’s coun­try estate, Huntsworth, being near Beauville, Dru soon meets the qui­et Lord Mar­tin­dale, and they share a friend­ly, inno­cent kiss. While she believes they can be friends, Per­ry hides his grow­ing attrac­tion to Dru, know­ing she has no inter­est in being wooed. And while he knows he must take a bride to get his heir, he fears no woman will want such a dam­aged man as her husband.

Will Per­ry con­quer his fears and reveal his love for Dru—or will he keep silent and let Dru go so she can pur­sue the life she wants?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Inno­cent Kiss, the third book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Inno­cent Kiss releas­es 7 June 2025. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

A mar­quess who has recent­ly become a duke. An impov­er­ished lady who serves as a gov­erness. An unlike­ly duo which becomes friends—and more …

Valen­tin­ian Wor­thing­ton, a care­free charmer, finds him­self the Duke of Mill­brooke after his father’s sud­den death. The light­heart­ed bach­e­lor must quick­ly assume his respon­si­bil­i­ties as head of the fam­i­ly, car­ing for his wid­owed moth­er and two younger sisters.

Miss Eden Snow lost her father in a rid­ing acci­dent, and her mother’s death fol­lowed short­ly there­after. The new Vis­count Brown­ley orders her off his estate, and she becomes a gov­erness, dis­missed from her first post because she refus­es to become inti­mate with her employ­er. Now, she is hap­py employed, spend­ing the past five years edu­cat­ing Lady Traywick’s daugh­ters, Veri­na and Justina.

Accom­pa­ny­ing her charges to vis­it their cousin, a duke, Eden hopes to escape the duke’s notice, but Val is drawn to the attrac­tive, intel­li­gent woman. He con­vinces her they can be friends, and a strong bond forms between them, as they grow com­fort­able in one another’s com­pa­ny. Val needs a duchess—and he believes Eden is the only one for him.

Will Val con­vince Eden that a gov­erness can make for a won­der­ful duchess?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Unfore­seen Kiss, the fourth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Unfore­seen Kiss releas­es 1 August 2025. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

An army offi­cer who becomes a vis­count. A lady eager to make her come-out. Two souls who come togeth­er as friends … and then find love …

Rupert Cum­mings receives a terse mes­sage from his estranged broth­er, order­ing him to sell his army officer’s com­mis­sion and return to Eng­land. Upon his arrival, he finds Perce­val close to death. Rupert soon inher­its the vis­count­cy and dis­cov­ers he has a niece, a by-blow from one of his brother’s many affairs. Celia wrig­gles her way into his heart, and Rupert knows any wife he takes will have to under­stand his love for the girl and her place in the family.

Lady Cor­nelia Worthington’s father dies on the eve of the Sea­son, forc­ing Lia and her twin Tia to delay their come-outs as they go into mourn­ing. To break up the monot­o­ny, they are invit­ed to vis­it her Aunt Agnes in the Lake Dis­trict for a few months. Lia is excit­ed to trav­el to a new place and eager to spend time in her three cousins’ company.

Once Lia meets Rupert—and Celia—she is drawn to both of them. But Lia’s old­er sib­lings have made love match­es, and she is deter­mined to do the same. Though she knows Vis­count Cress­ley is attract­ed to her, she refus­es to wed with­out a dec­la­ra­tion of love from him.

Will Rupert real­ize the attrac­tion he feels for Lia goes beyond the phys­i­cal and admit he loves her, or will he lose the woman who holds his heart?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Enchant­i­ng Kiss, the fifth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Enchant­i­ng Kiss releas­es 2 Octo­ber 2025. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

An earl who intends to see his sis­ter set­tled in mar­riage. A lady mak­ing her delayed come-out. A rela­tion­ship that moves from ene­mies to love …

Hugo Drake, the Earl of Mer­ri­man, stam­mered severe­ly grow­ing up. Only as a uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent did he begin to find ways to control—and even conquer—his stam­mer­ing. He still prac­tices dai­ly to keep his stut­ter­ing at bay. Now, he attends his first Lon­don Sea­son, help­ing to launch his sis­ter into Polite Soci­ety, hop­ing to set­tle her into marriage.

Lady Ther­man­tia Worthington’s three sib­lings have all made love match­es, but Tia is not inter­est­ed in love or mar­riage dur­ing her come-out Sea­son. She sim­ply wish­es to enjoy the social swirl of events and is eager to make friends. She finds a loy­al one in Lady Dil­ly Drake, but Dilly’s old­er broth­er believes Tia is a bad influ­ence upon his sister.

As the Sea­son pro­gress­es, Hugo and Tia’s com­bat­ive rela­tion­ship becomes con­fus­ing for them both, thanks to a kiss they share, which arous­es both phys­i­cal feel­ings and strong emo­tions for each. Then bul­lies from Hugo’s past strip him of his new­found con­fi­dence, and the ton is quick to judge the stam­mer­ing earl.

Can Hugo and Tia shake off the con­fines of Polite Soci­ety and find last­ing hap­pi­ness together?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Urgent Kiss, the sixth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Urgent Kiss releas­es 6 Feb­ru­ary 2026. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

A care­free bach­e­lor not look­ing to set­tle down. A blue­stock­ing reject­ed by Polite Soci­ety. An unfor­get­table kiss that changes everything …

Con­stan­tine Aling­ton, Vis­count Dyer, is handsome—and fru­gal. Con receives a pit­tance of an allowance and watch­ing his funds care­ful­ly. While he enjoys attend­ing ton affairs, he has decid­ed not to become seri­ous about mar­riage until he gains his earl­dom and finan­cial freedom.

Miss Rowe­na Stan­hope has a keen mind and no inten­tions of ever wed­ding. She would rather pur­sue her intel­lec­tu­al inter­ests. Even though Polite Soci­ety turns up its nose at blue­stock­ings, Rowe­na dress­es frumpi­ly and hides behind spec­ta­cles she doesn’t need to avoid gain­ing any unwant­ed attention.

Fate leads to Rowe­na danc­ing the sup­per dance at a ball with Lord Dyer, and they share a heart­felt con­ver­sa­tion, as well as a kiss nei­ther of them can for­get. They meet again months lat­er at a house par­ty, one which Con was not invit­ed to, but now being an eli­gi­ble earl, the host­ess wel­comes him with open arms.

Will Con con­vince Rowe­na to change her stance on nev­er wedding—and make her his countess?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Unfor­get­table Kiss, the sev­enth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Unfor­get­table Kiss releas­es 2 April 2026. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

A light­heart­ed duke with a hid­den agen­da. A young woman on the verge of mak­ing her come-out. A group of women known as dam­aged doves who might stand between the pair’s future happiness …

Lady Veri­na Ful­ton is look­ing for­ward to mak­ing her come-out into Polite Soci­ety. Her extend­ed fam­i­ly is close-knit, and she val­ues the bonds of fam­i­ly above all else. She is eager to find a hus­band who will share her same val­ues. Before the Sea­son begins, she accepts an invi­ta­tion to vis­it her cousin, the new Lady Mer­ri­man. It is through Lord Mer­ri­man that Veri­na meets the Duke of Reddington.

Matthew Keaton became the Duke of Red­ding­ton at the ten­der age of twelve. His first act as a duke is to remove his moth­er from the mad­house where she had been wrong­ful­ly con­fined by her hus­band. Matthew is fierce­ly inde­pen­dent and uses his ducal wealth and pow­er to res­cue oth­er women who have been unjust­ly placed in asylums.

Dur­ing Verina’s stay at Mer­ri­field, she and Matthew grow close. They share a promis­ing kiss, and both go into the Sea­son won­der­ing if their kiss will lead to a more per­ma­nent rela­tion­ship. Veri­na is torn between her desire for a tra­di­tion­al mar­riage and her grow­ing admi­ra­tion for the duke’s uncon­ven­tion­al hero­ism, even as Matthew strug­gles to bal­ance sav­ing dam­aged doves with the ris­ing attrac­tion he feels for Lady Verina.

Will Veri­na and Matthew rec­on­cile their dif­fer­ences and build a future togeth­er, or will their con­trast­ing paths lead them to sep­a­rate destinies?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s A Promis­ing Kiss, the eighth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*A Promis­ing Kiss releas­es 5 June 2026. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

A spy who has become a shop­keep­er. A lady more inter­est­ed in paint­ing than mar­riage. A pos­ses­sive kiss which changes every­thing between them … 

Major David Rochester was more valu­able to the crown as a spy than a sol­dier, and he has spent sev­en years liv­ing a dan­ger­ous exis­tence. When he is giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty by none oth­er than Welling­ton him­self to leave the army and return his wound­ed friend to Eng­land, David leaps at the chance for a qui­eter life. As an earl’s sec­ond son, David must earn his liv­ing and choos­es to use the pro­ceeds from the sale of his com­mis­sion to open a shop in a small vil­lage, where he adds a sec­ond floor which becomes a bookshop.

 The fierce­ly inde­pen­dent Lady Justi­na Ful­ton comes from a fam­i­ly where love match­es are com­mon. She has nev­er been inter­est­ed in mar­riage for her­self, though, pre­fer­ring to focus on paint­ing land­scapes of the Lake Dis­trict, her home. For­tu­nate­ly, she has the love and sup­port of her large fam­i­ly and is not forced to con­form to Polite Society’s expectations.

When Justi­na cross­es paths with David, she finds her­self drawn to him in a way she nev­er thought pos­si­ble. His kiss­es ignite a fire she nev­er knew exist­ed with­in her, and yet David is in no posi­tion to take on a wife, bare­ly eking out a liv­ing for him­self. Justi­na begins to ques­tion what she wants from life, wrestling with her grow­ing feel­ings for the hum­ble shop­keep­er and her desire to make her mark in the Lon­don art world.

Will Justi­na fight for love and man­age to remain true to her art, or will the pres­sures of the ton keep her apart from David forever?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s A Pos­ses­sive Kiss, the ninth book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*A Pos­ses­sive Kiss releas­es 6 August 2026. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.

A wid­ow inter­est­ed in a sec­ond chance at mar­riage. An earl who desires a love match. A meet­ing at a ball which changes the course of both their lives …

Forced to wed a man she loathed to pla­cate her dying father, Sarah Waters, Lady Alton, finds her­self the focus of Polite Society’s gos­sips, her only crime being that she is the wid­ow of a vis­count mur­dered in a fight over a trol­lop. When she returns to the Sea­son after her mourn­ing peri­od hop­ing to make a match, she is ostra­cized. Then a dash­ing earl comes to her res­cue, and her for­tunes begin to change.

Hadri­an Ful­ton, Earl of Tray­wick, has wit­nessed his two sis­ters and sev­en cousins make love match­es, which is almost unheard of with­in the ton. Now, Tray is ready to find love for him­self. When he meets the tall, auburn-haired Lady Alton and wit­ness­es how the ton shuns her, his sense of jus­tice has him com­ing to her rescue.

Fam­i­ly is every­thing to Tray, and he intro­duces Lady Waters to his large, extend­ed fam­i­ly and their many chil­dren. He also meets Lady Water’s daugh­ter, the delight­ful Tilly, who steals his heart as much as her moth­er has.

But Sarah is hid­ing a secret, one so dark it would cause instant rejec­tion from the man she has come to love, his fam­i­ly, and all of Polite Society.

Will Sarah’s secret keep her and Tray from find­ing last­ing happiness?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s An Irre­sistible Kiss, the final book in Cap­ti­vat­ing Kisses.

*An Irre­sistible Kiss releas­es 13 Octo­ber 2026. I’ll pro­vide the Ama­zon link once it goes on preorder.