Dukes Done Wrong

Wel­come to the new world of Regency His­tor­i­cal Romance from Alexa Aston—Dukes Done Wrong. 

Accused of some­thing they nev­er did. Five boys ban­ished from their homes in dis­grace, to the place where they find the broth­ers of their heart—and build new fam­i­ly ties that will last a lifetime.

*Each Regency romance in Dukes Done Wrong may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A lone­ly army cap­tain who sud­den­ly finds him­self a duke. A gentleman’s daugh­ter run­ning an estate because her father no longer can. Two lone­ly souls whose sparks are undeniable …

Miles Not­ley returns home as the new Duke of Winslow after being sent away for acci­den­tal­ly killing his younger broth­er when he was ten years old, an act his old­er broth­er committed—and denied. With his brother’s death, Miles finds him­self in unfa­mil­iar waters. He has no idea how to run an estate, much less be a duke. Until he meets an intrigu­ing young woman.

Emery Jen­son came to Wild­wood ten years ago with her par­ents, hired to be the estate’s stew­ard and house­keep­er. She has tak­en on more respon­si­bil­i­ty as her father’s mind grows weak and now runs the ducal coun­try seat. When the new duke shows up, she schemes to hide her father’s defi­cien­cies, believ­ing the Duke of Winslow won’t remain long since the Sea­son is in full swing and he will need to claim a bride and pro­vide an heir.

But Miles isn’t going any­where. He becomes cap­ti­vat­ed not only by Emery’s charm and con­fi­dence but admires her skills in mak­ing Wild­wood a prof­itable estate. Miles decides no one but Emery can be his duchess—and he is up for the chal­lenge, ready to con­vince the blunt beau­ty in the bat­tle of wills that they can both come up winners—if she will only say yes.

Will Emery, who thinks she has found her place in the world and urges Miles to now find his, dis­cov­er that the best place she can be is at the Duke of Winslow’s side?


An angry army spy who becomes a reluc­tant duke. A vir­gin wid­ow who seeks a hus­band who will give her chil­dren. An attrac­tion that leads to pas­sion … and love …

Wyatt Stan­ton served as a spy for Welling­ton until he receives word of his brother’s death. Reluc­tant­ly, he returns to Eng­land as the Duke of Ames­bury and to Amber­wood, a place he once loved and was ban­ished from after his broth­er false­ly accused Wyatt of burn­ing down the fam­i­ly sta­bles with over two dozen hors­es inside. His soul seared by war, the man who lived for dan­ger must now become a mem­ber of Polite Soci­ety and find him­self a duchess so he has an heir.

Mead­ow Grant’s father sold her to Lord Sel­f­ridge so he could pay his gam­bling debts. Sel­f­ridge col­lects beau­ti­ful things, and Mead­ow is the most beau­ti­ful girl of the Sea­son. Once he pos­sessed her, Sel­f­ridge lost inter­est and moved on to oth­er things. Now a wid­ow, the resilient Mead­ow is ready to make her own choice this time and find a hus­band who yearns for chil­dren as much as she does. Though attract­ed to the Duke of Ames­bury, he is far too arro­gant and con­ceit­ed for her tastes, even if he does kiss well.

Wyatt is bored with all the younger women on the Mar­riage Mart, but he believes the beau­ti­ful and more mature Lady Sel­f­ridge fits his idea of a suit­able duchess. The fact that he is attract­ed to her and she gets along well with his friends only con­firms she is the one. Mead­ow wants to be court­ed, though, and Wyatt is up to the chal­lenge, relent­less in his pur­suit, even lik­ing how Mead­ow makes him work to earn her favor.

Though nei­ther looks for love, will the reck­less Wyatt and spit­fire Mead­ow real­ize love has found them and will flour­ish, giv­en the chance?


A brash army major who sur­pris­ing­ly becomes a duke. A lady who has no inter­est in ever wed­ding. An attrac­tion that leads to pas­sion … and love …

Cool, moody, and irre­sistible Dono­van Mar­tin finds him­self the new Duke of Haver­hill after his father and broth­er drown in a car­riage acci­dent. The wom­an­iz­ing Dono­van decides to work his way through the numer­ous beau­ty of the ton because he has no inten­tion of set­tling down. Until he encoun­ters a most unusu­al woman—who informs him she nev­er plans to wed.

Lady Wyn­ter Day wants to main­tain her inde­pen­dence and nev­er become sub­servient to any man. Besides, no man has ever sparked her inter­est roman­ti­cal­ly. Then the new Duke of Haver­hill crash­es into her life, caus­ing Wyn­ter to recon­sid­er her stance on marriage.

A sprained ankle brings the pair clos­er togeth­er, with Wyn­ter spend­ing the Christ­mas hol­i­days with Dono­van and his friends. Sparks ignite and Dono­van sees a future with Wyn­ter. Then tragedy strikes, sep­a­rat­ing the cou­ple, per­haps for good.

Will their stub­born­ness keep them apart—or will Dono­van and Wyn­ter let go of the ghosts of their pasts and take a chance on love?


An army major whose soul is stained by war. A lone­ly blue­stock­ing who failed mis­er­ably dur­ing her first Sea­son. Two strangers who bond over an injured kitten …

Aaron Hart­field is forced to leave the army and return to Eng­land to claim a title he nev­er want­ed when his broth­er is killed in a scan­dalous duel. Hart’s friends con­vince him to attend the Sea­son in order to find him­self a duchess and pro­vide an heir—but he has no inter­est in mak­ing a love match.

After a dis­as­trous come-out, blue­stock­ing Olivia Knight retreats to her uncle’s vic­arage in the coun­try for five years. With his death, she returns to Lon­don and finds her father and loath­some cousin plan­ning to choose a hus­band for her. Olivia is inter­est­ed in a man’s char­ac­ter, while her rel­a­tives want her to secure a wealthy peer with a lofty title.

When Hart meets Olivia, he real­izes no one else will do as his duchess, but he keeps silent, want­i­ng her to grow in con­fi­dence and receive the atten­tion she deserves before he offers for her.

Will Hart wait too late and lose his chance with the blos­som­ing Olivia—or will he speak up and find a last­ing love with the ugly duck­ling who has turned into a beau­ti­ful swan?


A vic­ar try­ing to save his own soul. A wid­ow who yearns for chil­dren. A dark­ness that can only be dis­pelled with the heal­ing pow­er of love …

William Finch­ley car­ries a secret from child­hood which he has nev­er shared with any­one, not even his clos­est friends. When his broth­er com­mits sui­cide, Finch becomes the new Duke of Som­mers­by. He attends his first Sea­son with no plans to ever wed—until he meets Lady Pem­ber­ton, an opti­mistic, brave widow.

Vic­to­ria Samuel, Lady Pem­ber­ton, returns to Polite Soci­ety after a year of mourn­ing a hus­band who was mur­dered by a whore. She yearns for chil­dren, which is the only rea­son she faces the gos­sip­ing ton, hop­ing to find a hus­band of good character.

Finch and Vic­to­ria are drawn to each oth­er but Finch believes he is too bro­ken and unde­serv­ing of love, even after he weds Vic­to­ria and then aban­dons her. Only when the moth­er he believes betrayed him shares with Finch how he should take a chance on the heal­ing pow­er of love does Finch decide to let his heart speak to Victoria.

Will Finch’s coura­geous actions win Vic­to­ria back—or will she reject him, plung­ing him into eter­nal darkness?
