Dukes of Distinction

Who doesn’t love a duke? How about five of them? These five aris­to­crats all come with nick­names Polite Soci­ety has bestowed upon them. Renown. Charm. Dis­re­pute. Arro­gance. Honor.

*Each Regency romance in Dukes of Dis­tinc­tion may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A woman with a bro­ken heart …

A sol­dier who nev­er dreamed he’d become a duke …

Phoebe Smythe, Count­ess of Bor­wick, suf­fers a trag­ic mis­car­riage when she learns her hus­band and young son have been killed in a car­riage acci­dent. The griev­ing wid­ow retreats to an iso­lat­ed cot­tage on the coast of Corn­wall, where she finds a smug­gler who’s washed ashore, blood leak­ing from a bul­let wound.

Cap­tain Andrew Gra­ham returns home from the Napoleon­ic Wars after the death of his old­er broth­er, find­ing his father on his deathbed. Soon he becomes the Duke of Wind­ham and must deal not only with numer­ous respon­si­bil­i­ties but his way­ward half-broth­er, who has amassed a moun­tain of debt and then shoots Andrew so he can become the new duke.

Andrew awak­ens to an angel of mer­cy, Mrs. Smith, a mid­dle-class wid­ow who nurs­es him back to health. She thinks he’s a crim­i­nal, which amus­es him, but he soon falls in love with her beau­ty and spir­it. On the day he decides to ask for her hand in mar­riage, she dis­ap­pears and he has no way to find her—until he spies her across a Lon­don ballroom.

Though her heart belongs to the Cor­nish smug­gler she left behind, Phoebe places her­self once more on the Mar­riage Mart. She yearns to be a moth­er again—which means find­ing a husband.

What will Phoebe do when she learns that her Mr. Andrew is none oth­er than the famous Duke of Renown?


A woman unjust­ly imprisoned …

 A duke jilt­ed at the altar …

 Lady Saman­tha Wal­lace has been in love since child­hood with her brother’s best friend, the Duke of Cole­bourne, but George only sees her as a lit­tle sis­ter. She weds a vis­count who is George’s oppo­site, only to find her­self trapped in a mis­er­able mar­riage. When she becomes a wid­ow, she is held against her will and final­ly escapes, vow­ing to live life her own way and nev­er be con­trolled again.

George is jilt­ed at the altar and becomes one of  London’s most scan­dalous rakes, bed­ding women left and right. After years of being the Duke of Charm, though, George is tired of his mean­ing­less exis­tence and decides he is ready for a change—which includes find­ing Sam, who is now a wid­ow, and ask­ing her to be his duchess.

Fate brings George and Saman­tha togeth­er at a house par­ty, where their desire for one anoth­er ignites in a tor­rid encounter. Yet Saman­tha refus­es to wed George. Deter­mined to learn Sam’s secrets and make her his, George will do what­ev­er it takes to fight for the woman he’s always loved in secret.

Will Saman­tha be able to escape the past that still haunts her and find hap­pi­ness with the Duke of Charm?

Find the answer in The Duke of Charm, Book 2 in the Dukes of Distinction. 


A beau­ti­ful wid­ow at the mer­cy of self­ish relatives ….

A duke bro­ken by a ter­ri­ble secret …

Lady Elise Ruthers­by is with child when her hus­band is killed, and the fam­i­ly awaits the birth to see who will be the new earl. A daugh­ter arrives, rel­e­gat­ing Elise to the sta­tus of a ser­vant as she becomes the unpaid gov­erness to her two nephews.

West­on Wal­lace, the Duke of Tread­well, learns a dev­as­tat­ing secret about his fiancée the night before their wed­ding, caus­ing him to break their engage­ment. He becomes London’s most noto­ri­ous rake, with a rule that he only beds a woman once.

When Elise and her daugh­ter are trapped in a car­riage struck by a flam­ing tree in a per­ilous storm, West­on res­cues the pair. Years of cyn­i­cism fall to the way­side as he becomes cap­ti­vat­ed by the beau­ti­ful wid­ow and her enchant­i­ng daugh­ter. West­on decides he must mar­ry the woman who has thawed his cold heart with­out scar­ing her away because of his vile reputation.

The two strike a bar­gain where Elise will help West­on nav­i­gate the Mar­riage Mart dur­ing the upcom­ing Sea­son if he will help her find a hus­band. Lit­tle does the unsus­pect­ing wid­ow know that London’s most infa­mous wom­an­iz­er has already decid­ed who his duchess will be.

Can the Duke of Dis­re­pute con­vince Elise that he’s a changed man—due to love?

Find the answer in The Duke of Dis­re­pute, Book 3 in the Dukes of Distinction. 


A woman spurned by the ton …

A duke har­bor­ing an appalling secret …

Life rad­i­cal­ly changes for Ara­bel­la Jen­nings, the daugh­ter of an Oxford don, when her father becomes the Earl of Bar­ring­ton. She’s an intel­lec­tu­al who would rather be dis­cussing Shakespeare’s works but now finds her­self nav­i­gat­ing the vicious waters of Polite Society.

Jonathan Sutton’s twin dies, mak­ing him the new Duke of Black­more. Pledg­ing to live for both him­self and Arch, Jon becomes one of London’s lead­ing rakes, break­ing rules and bed­ding women as his broth­er would have done had he lived.

Jon meets Ara­bel­la the first night of the Sea­son and decides this woman, so dif­fer­ent from every con­quest he’s made, might help him from the abyss he’s sunk into.

Can a blue­stock­ing with a quick wit tame the dis­rep­utable Duke of Arrogance—and save his soul?

Find the answer in The Duke of Arro­gance, Book 4 in the Dukes of Distinction.


A woman who falls in love with a man she’s nev­er seen …

A duke har­bor­ing a secret he can nev­er reveal …

Sebas­t­ian Coop­er, Mar­quess of Mar­bury, choos­es to leave Eng­land and fight in the Napoleon­ic Wars for a decade. He comes home to find his father has died and assumes his role as the new Duke of Hardwick.

When Lady Hadley Hampton’s par­ents die, she is made a ward to the Duke of Hard­wick, a man estranged from his only son. She reads Sebastian’s let­ters aloud to her guardian and over the years falls in love with the dash­ing war hero.

When Sebas­t­ian arrives home, he is astound­ed that Hadley has been man­ag­ing his father’s affairs and is angry this beau­ti­ful stranger knows so much about him when he didn’t even know she exist­ed. Sebas­t­ian fights his grow­ing attrac­tion to Hadley, believ­ing she deserves much more than the bro­ken, scarred man he has become.

Will Hadley be able to tear down the walls sur­round­ing Sebastian’s heart and help the Duke of Hon­or final­ly heal?

Find the answer in The Duke of Hon­or, Book 5 in the Dukes of Distinction.
