Hollywood Name Game

Meet the men of Hol­ly­wood and the women they fall for in Alexa Aston’s first con­tem­po­rary romance series, Hol­ly­wood Name Game—five romances sprin­kled with humor and a few laced with a bit of suspense—but all guar­an­tee a sat­is­fac­to­ry, hap­pi­ly ever after for these couples.

*Each romance in Hol­ly­wood Name Game may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. Avail­able wide.

*Hol­ly­wood Heart­break­er, Book 1, is FREE on ALL platforms!

Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game Book 1)

Being late to an inter­view lands her the biggest job oppor­tu­ni­ty of her life.

He may be rich and successful—but he’s just this side of miserable.

Can a wannabe be The One for the biggest star in Hollywood?

Cassie Car­roll came to Hol­ly­wood with big dreams that nev­er mate­ri­al­ized. Act­ing isn’t even on the back burn­er anymore—it’s com­plete­ly off the stove. Work­ing for a third-rate agent, Cassie hopes to land a new job that will give her cred­i­bil­i­ty, as well as help pay the rent. Late to her inter­view, she swerves to avoid hit­ting a dog—and totals the car of Hollywood’s lead­ing action super­star. Sur­pris­ing­ly, she walks away from their encounter with a job—as the sex­i­est man alive’s per­son­al assistant.
Rhett Cor­ri­g­an is bored with the movies he makes and the drop-dead gor­geous mod­el he’s dat­ing. He’s afraid that Hol­ly­wood has type­cast him—and that he’ll nev­er be able to break out of his action mold and try new act­ing chal­lenges. When Cassie Car­roll lit­er­al­ly slams into his life, she brings a breath of fresh air and com­mon sense to his world. She push­es him to be a bet­ter actor and a bet­ter man.
Can these friends become lovers—and can their love survive—in a tabloid-hap­py town that thrives on rumors and backstabbing?


Hollywood Flirt (Hollywood Name Game Book 2)

She’s Hol­ly­wood roy­al­ty whose trail van­ished a dozen years ago.

He doesn’t do rela­tion­ships and thinks com­mit­ment is a four-let­ter word.

They Google each oth­er … and sparks fly …

Syd­ney Revere, the daugh­ter of a famous movie cou­ple, left Hol­ly­wood behind over a decade ago. Chris­tened The Wild Child by the media, she rein­vents her­self as a seri­ous stu­dent who becomes an attor­ney and mar­ries a safe, pre­dictable man. When her hus­band cheats on her and the law los­es its glit­ter, Syd­ney returns to Hol­ly­wood. Her father hires her to sto­ry­board his upcom­ing movie, No Regrets—and then stuns Syd­ney when he offers her the job as his assis­tant director.

Dash DeLau­ria is a ris­ing actor who hasn’t trust­ed a woman since his moth­er left. He’s now the guardian of his men­tal­ly-chal­lenged broth­er. Dash is look­ing to grow pro­fes­sion­al­ly and after he wins the lead in No Regrets, he finds he’s lost his heart and soul to Syd­ney. With both their careers on the upswing, life is sweet.

But Sydney’s ex-hus­band isn’t fin­ished with her yet. Dis­cov­er­ing who she real­ly is—and that she’s wealthy—he tracks her to Cal­i­for­nia, ready to start over with her again.

No mat­ter what it takes …


Hollywood Player (Hollywood Name Game Book 3)

She has zero friends … and is wary of men, liv­ing life as a recluse.

His only friend is 90 and when she dies, he’s adrift.

Can a dyslex­ic actor and a shy lon­er find hap­pi­ness together?

Famous from the time she was four­teen, Lon­don Rus­sell lands the cov­er of Sports Illus­trat­ed to cap off her mod­el­ing career. Leav­ing the fash­ion world behind, she fol­lows her dream of becom­ing a singer-song­writer. Thanks to an ex-boyfriend’s vicious attack on her, Lon­don becomes a recluse who turns out hits but nev­er tours—and can’t trust a man. Her life changes course when she encoun­ters a Hol­ly­wood screen­writer and direc­tor and agrees to write the theme song for their next movie.

Knox Mon­roe grew up as America’s dar­ling, a child actor fea­tured on sev­er­al pop­u­lar tele­vi­sion series. After his mother’s betray­al, Knox drops out of sight, return­ing years lat­er to make the suc­cess­ful tran­si­tion to adult roles. A known wom­an­iz­er and lon­er, Knox meets Lon­don by chance. Through her con­nec­tions, he winds up with the lead role in a new movie.

Will Lon­don be able to open her heart and move past Knox’s play­er rep­u­ta­tion? And will Knox knock down the emo­tion­al fortress that he’s built around his heart?

In Hol­ly­wood, anything’s possible…


Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game Book 4)

She’s a Hol­ly­wood lead­ing lady who’s nev­er found love – except with Jax, her Basenji.

He’s divorced from a cheat­ing wife and refus­es to ever give his heart away again.

Togeth­er, their smok­ing-hot chem­istry leads to movie mag­ic … and murder …

Mac Randall’s life turns upside down when he walks in on his wife and her lover. He fin­ish­es his tour of duty over­seas and leaves the army, becom­ing a pop­u­lar stunt­man in Hol­ly­wood. When the actor Mac dou­bles for is mur­dered, Mac is sur­prised to find him­self cast as the film’s lead­ing man—at the sug­ges­tion of the actress who will play oppo­site him.

Keely Kennedy has built a sol­id career in Hol­ly­wood, ris­ing from sup­port­ing roles to lead­ing lady, but she’s been unlucky in love. She becomes close friends with Mac Ran­dall, her new co-star, while she helps him pre­pare for his first on-screen role. Friend­ship blos­soms into love dur­ing their shoot and despite sev­er­al mishaps on the set, she knows not only has she done the best work in her career on this film, but she believes Mac will become an instant star.

Before pro­duc­tion is com­plete, though, the mur­der­er surfaces—ready to kill the film—and its two stars.


Hollywood Enigma (Hollywood Name Game Book 5)

She’s a legal shark—sleek and deadly—but doesn’t trust any­one beyond her small cir­cle of fam­i­ly and friends.

He’s inter­na­tion­al­ly famous—and yet a mys­tery to the world as he cloaks him­self in privacy.

Can they shed their fears and open their hearts to one another?

Actor Wynn Gal­lagher is at the peak of his fame, play­ing super­hero Car­bon Man in the Alpha Thar­ra Uni­verse film fran­chise. While the role has made him wealthy, he’s ready to move on to new­er challenges—but his iron­clad con­tract will keep him tied to the role for years to come. Seek­ing legal advice, he approach­es Scar­lett Cor­ri­g­an, one of the top enter­tain­ment attor­neys in Los Angeles.

Scar­lett is the younger sis­ter of Hollywood’s high­est paid actor, Rhett Cor­ri­g­an, but she’s made a name for her­self in enter­tain­ment law. She thrives on chal­lenges and read­i­ly accepts Wynn as a client, but she puts the brakes on the strong attrac­tion between them, not want­i­ng to mix busi­ness with pleasure.

Even­tu­al­ly, Wynn and Scar­lett become involved but tragedy strikes not once, but twice, threat­en­ing to end their rela­tion­ship before it has a chance to grow and flourish.

Can Wynn and Scar­lett over­come over­whelm­ing odds and find last­ing love?
