Lost Creek

Wel­come to Lost Creek, a small town deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Coun­try, where peo­ple come seek­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties and a chance to rein­vent themselves—and maybe even find love. 

*Each con­tem­po­rary romance in Lost Creek may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A man rocked by scan­dal. A woman betrayed by those she loved. A kiss that should be wrong but is more than right… 

Wine­mak­er Braden Clark’s world is turned upside down when his father is con­vict­ed of embez­zle­ment charges and sen­tenced to prison. The family’s pres­ti­gious com­pa­ny, Clark Vine­yards, no longer exists, its assets and the very land the grapes grow on being seized by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Braden, taint­ed by scan­dal, can’t land a job in wine indus­try, despite his skills and reputation.

Event plan­ner Harp­er Hart dis­cov­ers the day before her wed­ding that her fiancé has been cheat­ing on her with her best friend. Eager to escape Austin, she returns home to Lost Creek, a small town in the serene Texas Hill Coun­try, where her fam­i­ly runs Lost Creek Vine­yards, known for its remark­able wines.

Braden gets a fresh start as a viti­cul­tur­ist at Lost Creek Win­ery, soon work­ing his way up to chief wine­mak­er. He would pre­fer to devote all his time and ener­gy to his job, but Harp­er, who has tak­en on the role of the winery’s event man­ag­er, is a sexy dis­trac­tion that he can’t seem to avoid.

Soon, their pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al lives inter­twine, with their friend­ship deep­en­ing. As they learn to lean on one anoth­er for sup­port and heal emo­tion­al­ly, friend­ship turns into love.

Can two peo­ple dam­aged almost beyond repair heal emotionally?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s The Per­fect Blend, the first book in Lost Creek: Texas Hill Coun­try. This romance con­tains no third-act breakup!


A divorced man seek­ing a new begin­ning. A woman dri­ven by her art. A new begin­ning which brings them together… 

Dax Ten­nyson was a Dal­las accoun­tant, eager to start a fam­i­ly with his wife. When he learns she’s lied about every­thing, he ditch­es both his wife and the con­ven­tion­al lifestyle he’d adapt­ed for her. Fol­low­ing his heart, Dax opens a cof­fee­house on the square in Lost Creek, a small town in the Texas Hill Coun­try, and is ready to start a band, hop­ing they can play week­end gigs.

Ivy Hart’s pas­sion is paint­ing. To pay the bills, though, she takes a posi­tion as the assis­tant man­ag­er of Hous­ton art gallery, soon find­ing she does all her boss’ work and her own for less than half his salary. Tired of hav­ing no free time to pur­sue her own art, Ivy quits and returns home to Lost Creek. She becomes head of the tast­ing room at Lost Creek Win­ery, her family’s suc­cess­ful business.

Find­ing inspi­ra­tion in the sur­round­ing land­scape, Ivy vol­un­teers to paint a mur­al on a wall of the town square, hop­ing to show­case her tal­ent. While paint­ing it, she meets Dax, who is deter­mined to dis­cov­er more about the enig­mat­ic artist behind the mur­al. The cou­ple bonds over their shared pur­suit of artis­tic dreams, even more so after Dax sur­pris­es Ivy by arrang­ing a live music and art fusion event at his cof­fee­house. Local musi­cians and artists are invit­ed to exhib­it their tal­ents, and the joint ven­ture becomes a pop­u­lar affair in the com­mu­ni­ty, mix­ing the mag­ic of music with art as Dax takes to the stage, singing orig­i­nal songs he has written.

Ivy’s incor­po­rates ele­ments of the Hill Coun­try and nature into her paint­ings, cap­tur­ing the essence of the region. As her rep­u­ta­tion grows, an offer to exhib­it her work in a larg­er venue caus­es her to face a deci­sion regard­ing her career and her rela­tion­ship with Dax.

Will Ivy leave every­thing behind— includ­ing her bud­ding romance with Dax— to pur­sue an art career beyond Lost Creek?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s Paint­ed Melodies, the sec­ond book in Lost Creek: Texas Hill Country.


A man betrayed both pro­fes­sion­al­ly and per­son­al­ly. A woman on the verge of chang­ing careers. A kiss that alters their relationship… 

Nov­el­ist Hold­en Scott earned suc­cess straight out of the gate, see­ing his first nov­el pub­lished and turned into a pop­u­lar film. He’s sold the rights to his sec­ond best­seller to a direc­tor start­ing his own pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny has accept­ed the chal­lenge to write the script. After a nasty breakup with his girl­friend, Hold­en seeks solace in the Texas Hill Coun­try and rents a cot­tage in Lost Creek, hop­ing the peace of the small town will be con­ducive to writ­ing— and healing.

Fin­ley Far­row bal­ances her career in edu­ca­tion with her inter­est in pho­tog­ra­phy, teach­ing dur­ing the week and pho­tograph­ing wed­dings at Lost Creek Win­ery for her long­time friend’s wed­ding busi­ness on week­ends. She’s expand­ing her side busi­ness and toy­ing with the idea to pur­sue pho­tog­ra­phy full-time.

When Hold­en stum­bles upon an intrigu­ing pho­tog­ra­phy exhib­it at the local library, the cap­ti­vat­ing images, filled with mys­tery and emo­tion, cause him to seek out the pho­tog­ra­ph­er who can tell a mov­ing sto­ry through her pic­tures. Hold­en gets to know Fin­ley and encour­ages her to fol­low her dreams, while she sup­ports him as he strug­gles with turn­ing his nov­el into a screenplay.

As Hold­en spends more time with Fin­ley, they begin to bond over their shared expe­ri­ences of heart­break and the real­iza­tion that art can be a pow­er­ful tool for emo­tion­al heal­ing. With time, their con­nec­tion evolves into a deep and ten­der love that they both des­per­ate­ly need­ed but nev­er expect­ed to find. In each oth­er’s arms, they find a refuge from the pain of their pasts and the strength to face the uncer­tain­ties of their futures.

Can Hold­en and Fin­ley find suc­cess in their pro­fes­sion­al lives while learn­ing to love— and trust— again?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s Script of Love, the third book in Lost Creek: Texas Hill Coun­try. This romance con­tains no third-act breakup!


An army vet­er­an return­ing to his home­town. A teacher embark­ing on a new ven­ture. A pit­mas­ter and bak­er who form a cre­ative part­ner­ship— and fall in love… 

Ry Black­wood left Lost Creek after high school grad­u­a­tion, enlist­ing in the army with his best friend. After being sta­tioned on for­eign soil for a dozen years, he’s ready to return home and begin life as a civil­ian. Embrac­ing the solace and sense of belong­ing in Lost Creek, Ry throws him­self into his family’s BBQ busi­ness, a famil­iar world packed with the intox­i­cat­ing aro­ma of slow-smoked meats and the bustling ener­gy of his loved ones. Lit­tle does he know fate has a sweet sur­prise wait­ing for him in the form of a pret­ty baker.

Emer­son Frost grew up in fos­ter care, win­ning a full ride to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas. Now a third grade teacher, she has a side busi­ness bak­ing cakes for Wed­dings with Hart. Her life turns upside down, how­ev­er, when the own­er of The Bake House dies, bequeath­ing the town’s beloved bak­ery to Emer­son. Leav­ing teach­ing to devote her­self to bak­ing full-time, she is find­ing her feet as a busi­ness own­er. Emer­son is tak­en with Ry, a charm­ing lady’s man whom she’s deter­mined to stay away from.

Yet Ry is wild­ly cre­ative, intrigu­ing Emer­son with his ideas of fus­ing Asian cui­sine with tra­di­tion­al Texas bar­beque— and then invit­ing her to col­lab­o­rate with him, merg­ing her bak­ing tech­niques with his inno­v­a­tive con­cepts. As they exper­i­ment, their cre­ations become pop­u­lar with the events they cater at Lost Creek Winery.

Their pas­sion for food ignites their pas­sion for one anoth­er, and love blos­soms amidst heart­felt con­ver­sa­tions about their dreams and desires. But Emer­son is closed off from her emo­tions, not one to trust easily.

Can Ry win Emerson’s heart and teach her to open hers to love?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s Love at First Bite, the fourth book in Lost Creek: Texas Hill Coun­try. This romance con­tains no third-act breakup!


A man emo­tion­al­ly closed off from the world. A woman start­ing a new life . Two indi­vid­u­als who have suf­fered tragedies— and now have a sec­ond chance at love… 

Coun­try song­writer Tuck­er Young lost his preg­nant wife to a drunk dri­ver. He’s retreat­ed into him­self, guilty because he sur­vived the car crash. His abil­i­ty to write a pret­ty melody and pen its lyrics has dried up. He winds up in Lost Creek, a small town in the Texas Hill Coun­try where he spent sum­mers with his cousin Ry Black­wood. Tuck­er hopes to recov­er from his dev­as­ta­tion and find both solace and inspiration.

Two years ago, Rea­gan Bradley’s fiancé was killed a week before their wed­ding, and she buries her­self in work to over­come her grief. Tired of her emp­ty, lone­ly life in Man­hat­tan and sud­den­ly yearn­ing for her home state again, she abrupt­ly resigns from her job. Rea­gan trav­els to her beloved aunt’s bed & break­fast in Lost Creek, with hopes she can heal emo­tion­al­ly and find a new pur­pose in life.

Nei­ther Tuck­er nor Rea­gan is look­ing for love, but a friend­ship blos­soms between them, and they feel safe shar­ing their sto­ries of grief and the strug­gles they’ve faced. Tuck­er regains his inter­est in life and song­writ­ing again, while Rea­gan makes new friends and set­tles into the Lost Creek community.

Will Tuck­er and Rea­gan nav­i­gate their com­pli­cat­ed feel­ings for one anoth­er and face their fears, even as they learn to trust— and love— again?

Find the answer in best­selling author Alexa Aston’s Whis­pered Melodies, the final book in Lost Creek: Texas Hill Coun­try. This romance con­tains no third-act breakup!
