Maple Cove

Wel­come to the new world from USA Today best­selling author Alexa Aston—Maple Cove—a small town on the Ore­gon Coast where romance is heat­ing up!

*Each con­tem­po­rary romance in Maple Cove may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A woman who has expe­ri­enced one too many betrayals—and the man who has always loved her. A sec­ond chance to throw the dice … and risk every­thing for love .…

High school stu­dent Dylan Tay­lor wants to sink per­ma­nent roots into Maple Cove, his home­town sit­u­at­ed on the Ore­gon coast. His girl­friend, Wil­low Mar­tin, prefers to pur­sue her pas­sion for art, stretch­ing her wings and liv­ing abroad. The pair agrees to go their sep­a­rate ways after grad­u­a­tion though they secret­ly believe they will always love one anoth­er. But Dylan also leaves the Cove after his fam­i­ly is trag­i­cal­ly killed by a drunk dri­ver, join­ing the army and serv­ing as a mil­i­tary police­man in var­i­ous posts around the globe.

A dozen years lat­er, Dylan makes his way back to Maple Cove and is elect­ed sher­iff. Wil­low, after anoth­er bad breakup and the death of her beloved grand­moth­er, returns from abroad to her hometown—and sparks fly between the couple.

Dylan believes fate has brought them togeth­er again and looks at Willow’s return as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to renew their romance. Wil­low, burned one too many times by unfaith­ful men, does her best to push her for­mer flame away, telling him they are adults now and very dif­fer­ent peo­ple from the teenagers who were once mad­ly in love.

The more Wil­low is around him, though, the more she believes Dylan is the one who got away.

Can she risk her heart one more time in the hopes of find­ing her soulmate—or will Wil­low deny the love that still exists and leave the Cove for good?

Find the answer in Anoth­er Chance at Love, Book 1 in Maple Cove.

A woman who learns her mar­riage was a sham. A man wid­owed in an instant. Two dam­aged souls who unex­pect­ed­ly find love …

Ten­ley Thomp­son came from a bro­ken home. Raised in pover­ty, she puts her­self through col­lege and lands a pres­ti­gious job at a New York pub­lish­ing house. She weds an old monied Wall Street stockbroker—only to learn her hus­band is a bigamist. Flee­ing New York, she goes to Maple Cove, where her col­lege room­mate lives, hop­ing a vis­it to the qui­et Ore­gon coastal town will bring her solace and help her com­plete the nov­el she has started.

Fire­fight­er Carter Clark lost his preg­nant wife to a sud­den aneurysm five years ear­li­er. He is ready to shed the shad­ow of mourn­ing and begin to live life again. When intro­duced to Ten­ley, the sud­den, siz­zling attrac­tion gives him hope that he has found the soul­mate he has longed for.

Though reluc­tant to become involved so quick­ly after her annul­ment, Ten­ley is drawn to the hand­some fire­fight­er, real­iz­ing he’s one of the good guys. Their whirl­wind romance is cel­e­brat­ed by their friends, but it doesn’t sit well with one cit­i­zen in the Cove.

Will Ten­ley run to pro­tect the only man she’s ever loved—or will she stay and fight for Carter and the hap­pi­ness they both deserve?

Find the answer in A New Begin­ning, Book 2 in Maple Cove.

An attor­ney fac­ing burnout who flees Los Angles. A woman return­ing from Paris, ready to live for her­self. And a psy­chopath who lands in Maple Cove, ready to wreak hav­oc on their lives …

Crim­i­nal defense lawyer Jack­son Mar­tin gets his client off on mur­der charges, believ­ing the man was guilty and still could be dan­ger­ous now that he’s free again to kill. The tri­al depletes Jack­son, and he finds him­self at a cross­road in life. When the res­i­dent attor­ney in his home­town of Maple Cove decides to retire and asks Jack­son to take over his law prac­tice, Jack­son leaps at the oppor­tu­ni­ty, which will allow him to sink deep roots into the com­mu­ni­ty and prac­tice a dif­fer­ent kind of law.

Ains­ley Robin­son hus­tled for a buck her entire life, first bak­ing cook­ies to sell at ath­let­ic events to pay her mother’s med­ical bills, and then work­ing restau­rant jobs to pull togeth­er the tuition to attend the famed l’Ecole Lenȏtre, one of the world’s pre­mier pas­try schools in Paris. With grad­u­a­tion behind her, Ains­ley returns to the Cove and opens But­ter­cup Bak­ery, which quick­ly becomes a pop­u­lar estab­lish­ment on the town’s square.

Her world turns upside down when Jack­son enters her bak­ery. She’d had a teenage crush on the hand­some high school quar­ter­back and finds him to be even hot­ter and smarter than she remem­bered. Sparks fly from their first meet­ing, and they both real­ize they want the same things in life—a lov­ing rela­tion­ship and children.

Just when it seems every­thing is falling into place for the hap­py cou­ple, one of Jackson’s for­mer clients decides he wish­es to upend their world.

Will Jack­son be able to pro­tect Ains­ley from a deranged psychopath—or will he lose the only woman he’s ever loved—along with his life?

Find the answer in Com­ing Home, Book 3 in Maple Cove.

A singer bro­ken by his wife’s affair. An antiques deal­er who is open to find­ing love. A siz­zling attrac­tion that leads to a last­ing love …

Coun­try super­star Nash Edwards comes off his lat­est tour and finds his wife of less than a year with his man­ag­er. Nash dumps them both and turns to drink. A DUI is his wake-up call, and he dries out and decides to come to the Ore­gon Coast, where the drum­mer in his band retreats after each tour. Nash stops to help a woman who’s run out of gas—and their encounter has him rethink­ing what he wants in his life.

Rylie Robin­son owns and runs Antiques and Mys­tiques, a suc­cess­ful busi­ness in the Cove. She has close friends and a pas­sion for antiques, until her pas­sion turns to a hot, Gram­my-win­ning singer-song­writer. Nash tells hers he’ll nev­er mar­ry again, hav­ing been burned once.

But Rylie is approach­ing thir­ty, and all her friends are mar­ry­ing and ready to start their fam­i­lies. She finds her­self long­ing to do the same. She fights her attrac­tion to Nash, not inter­est­ed in casu­al sex with a man who doesn’t trust women.

Will Nash come to his sens­es and real­ize Rylie is the best thing that has ever hap­pened to him—or will his stub­born­ness keep them alone and apart?

Find the answer in The Lyrics of Love, Book 4 in Maple Cove.

A jour­nal­ist at a turn­ing point in her career. An ex-Navy SEAL who has spent his entire life alone. An unlike­ly friend­ship which devel­ops into a scorch­ing-hot romance …

Inter­na­tion­al cor­re­spon­dent Sloane Ander­son has report­ed from all cor­ners of the globe but is tir­ing of her nomadic life hop­scotch­ing the globe, espe­cial­ly since her clos­est friends have mar­ried and soon plan to start fam­i­lies. When she freed after being kid­napped by an African war­lord, she is ready to change her lifestyle.

Lon­er Gage Nel­son bounced around the fos­ter care sys­tem until he aged out and joined the Navy, earn­ing a spot on one of its elite SEAL teams. Hav­ing lost too many unit mem­bers, Gage leaves the mil­i­tary and lands in Maple Cove, where he is a fit­ness train­er. He has also found a close-knit group of friends and longs for more in his per­son­al life.

When Sloane comes to town, she and Gage expe­ri­ence an instant con­nec­tion. He helps her learn how to deal with her recent pan­ic attacks, and their friend­ship moves into a phys­i­cal relationship.

Will two dam­aged souls be able to shed the emo­tion­al bag­gage they car­ry and start a new life together—or will the demons that plague them both put up a road­block that even love can’t conquer?

Find the answer in Find­ing Home, Book 5 in Maple Cove.