Knights of Redemption

Medieval Eng­lish knights fol­lowed a Code of Chival­ry, serv­ing God and their liege lord in val­or and faith. They were also charged to pro­tect the weak and defense­less and respect the hon­or of women. My Knights of Redemp­tion have expe­ri­enced tragedy in their lives–and will become whole again when they dis­cov­er love with their soulmates. 

*Each Medieval romance in Knights of Redemp­tion may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A pen­ni­less knight who has lost every­thing dear to him. 

A mar­ried noble­woman who has nev­er known a man’s touch.

Two aching souls des­tined to find one another …

When Gavin of Ash­grove and his clos­est friend are cap­tured in a fierce bat­tle dur­ing the Hun­dred Years’ War, their cap­tors demand a hefty ran­som from their fam­i­lies for their return. Robert is quick­ly set free, but Gavin’s father refus­es to pay for his son’s release, leav­ing him to rot in a squalid French prison. Aid­ed by a sym­pa­thet­ic priest, Gavin escapes and returns home to Eng­land, only to find he has been pro­claimed a bas­tard and disinherited.

With nowhere to turn Gavin jour­neys to Kent­wood, where he fos­tered as a boy, hop­ing Lord Aldred will take him on as a knight in his guard. The old war­rior is close to death, but Aldred soon real­izes Gavin is his son. Aldred plots to have Gavin inher­it Kent­wood and mar­ry his much younger wife, Eliz­a­beth, a famed and opin­ion­at­ed beau­ty who remains a vir­gin after a decade of marriage.

Will the king rec­og­nize Lord Aldred’s first request of a mar­riage between Eliz­a­beth and Robert, unit­ing Robert’s estate with Kentwood—or will the tem­pera­men­tal Edward reward Aldred’s years of ser­vice and hon­or a dying man’s final request?

A young woman with a mys­ti­cal pow­er she keeps hid­den from the world.

A sto­ic knight who has locked away his emo­tions in order to survive.

Togeth­er, this pair finds a potent love, even as they are torn apart by a pow­er­ful enemy …

Kallen de Mangeron grew up in a con­vent, her noble fam­i­ly nev­er know­ing of her birth. When a new Moth­er Supe­ri­or informs them of her exis­tence, they send trust­ed knight Grif­fith Som­mers­by to escort her home.

Griffith’s heart broke when he lost his wife and infant son dur­ing child­birth, and he’s kept his feel­ings locked away from the world—until he meets Kallen. He soon learns her dark secret—that she sees auras around people—which allows her insight into their actions and personalities.

Now Quentin, bas­tard broth­er to the king, decides to har­ness Kallen’s gift in a plot to win the throne. Will Quentin suc­cess­ful­ly use a kid­napped Kallen as his polit­i­cal pawn, or will Grif­fith be able to stop him before Kallen changes the course of England’s history?