Sagebrush Brides

Sagebrush Brides

Three women from different walks of life are running from who they are—when they meet their soulmates in the American West.

Lily Fron­tiere is an edu­cat­ed lady who hides from the fact her moth­er owns a pop­u­lar whore­house, which changes ownership—and changes her life forever.

Mag­gie Ruther­ford flees her wed­ding and heads west to see the places she’s only writ­ten about when she stum­bles across a cow­boy she plans to make the hero in her next dime novel.

Ser­e­na Sul­li­van is res­cued from a hang­ing and goes on the run with the hand­some Eng­lish­man, find­ing her long-lost twin—and love.

*Each west­ern his­tor­i­cal romance in Sage­brush Brides may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

Twins lit­er­al­ly sep­a­rat­ed at birth put into motion a grip­ping tale involv­ing dan­ger, decep­tion, and love …

Gam­bler Jed Stone jour­neys to Cal­i­for­nia to track down Simon Mor­gan, the man respon­si­ble for his best friend’s death. Arrest­ed for rob­bery and mur­der upon arrival, Jed is shocked to see his face on a want­ed poster. He escapes before his hang­ing, unaware that the man guilty of those crimes is the twin broth­er he nev­er knew exist­ed. In a case of mis­tak­en iden­ti­ty, Jed acquires the most famous whore­house in San Fran­cis­co in a rigged card game his twin is meant to win.

Lily Fron­tiere takes over run­ning Lucky Lil’s from her dying moth­er, the house madam who shield­ed her daugh­ter by send­ing Lily away to board­ing school. Lily’s intel­li­gence and aston­ish­ing resem­blance to her moth­er help in the suc­cess­ful cha­rade, but she’s entered a world she knows lit­tle about. She clash­es with the hand­some stranger who turns up with the deed to Lucky Lil’s in hand, yet she is attract­ed to the charm­ing risk taker.

Jed asks Madam Lil to stay on as he learns the busi­ness and is fooled by Lily’s per­for­mance until he stum­bles upon the real Madam Lil and learns the truth behind Lily’s decep­tion. His admi­ra­tion for Lily blos­soms into love.

But Simon Mor­gan seeks both Lily’s hand and own­er­ship of Lucky Lil’s—and he will go to any means to pos­sess both. Will Jed foil his neme­sis while bring­ing his out­law broth­er to jus­tice and win Lily’s love?

An inde­pen­dent woman dis­cov­er­ing her­self as she trav­els through the Amer­i­can West.

A man of integri­ty bro­ken by events in his past—and on the run from a blood­thirsty killer.

Two indi­vid­u­als drawn togeth­er who find a love that can nev­er be …

Mag­gie Ruther­ford jilts her too-per­fect soci­ety groom at the altar and flees New York for the Amer­i­can West, where she turns her trav­els into dime nov­els that she writes and illus­trates under the pen name Lud Madison.

After the Civ­il War, vet­er­an Ben Mor­gan mar­ries his child­hood sweet­heart and takes her to home­stead on the Great Plains. Los­ing her and their unborn child in an Indi­an attack, Ben detach­es from emo­tion and becomes a roam­ing gam­bler. When he kills a cheat­ing oppo­nent in self-defense, the man’s gun­slinger broth­er swears revenge upon Ben.

Ben hides on a cat­tle dri­ve and brings in a herd to Abi­lene, where a wait­ing Mag­gie wants to find a rough and tum­ble cow­boy to inter­view for her next sto­ry idea. Sparks fly as the dan­ger­ous drover and pop­u­lar nov­el­ist wind up liv­ing in the same house­hold, run­ning a gen­er­al store east of Abi­lene. But with Black Tex Lon­negan hot on his trail, will Ben run from his grow­ing attrac­tion to Mag­gie and the gunfighter’s promise of death—or will he make a stand for his life—and love?

A woman shat­tered by events in her past, strug­gling to find the only fam­i­ly she has.

A man bro­ken in spir­it, try­ing to move for­ward after the death of his muse.

Together—on a jour­ney fraught with danger—they begin to heal, thanks to love.

Sep­a­rat­ed from her twin dur­ing the Orphan Train selec­tion, school­marm Ser­e­na Sul­li­van search­es for her broth­er Bill over fif­teen years. Just as she gets a sol­id lead on his where­abouts, she is rail­road­ed by a crooked sher­iff and set to hang for the mur­der of the sheriff’s best friend.

Eng­lish play­wright Daman Rut­ledge comes to the Amer­i­can West on busi­ness for his aris­to­crat­ic broth­er when he wit­ness­es a woman about to be exe­cut­ed. On impulse, he res­cues the beau­ti­ful stranger and goes on the run with her. Along the way Daman finds the muse he’s been miss­ing and los­es his heart to the raven-haired beau­ty with haunt­ing amber eyes.

As they try to escape the long arm of the law, Daman seeks to prove Serena’s inno­cence before it’s too late. They find love—and the truth—on a jour­ney that changes their lives.