Second Sons of London

First sons inher­it all. Third sons are promised to the church. Sec­ond sons do their duty and serve in the military—unless fate inter­venes and turns their lives upside down.

Wel­come to Sec­ond Sons of Lon­don, a new Regency His­tor­i­cal Romance series by USA Today Best­selling author Alexa Aston, where sev­en men who are sec­ond sons lay claim to fab­u­lous wealth and lofty titles and ful­fill their des­tinies when they find their soul­mates. This series will launch in Feb­ru­ary 2022 and con­clude in Novem­ber 2022.

*Each Regency romance in Sec­ond Sons of Lon­don may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlimited.

A duti­ful army offi­cer who shuns inti­ma­cy. A self­less beau­ty ready to start liv­ing for her­self. A chance meet­ing in the street that leads to love …

When Major Spencer Haddock’s father dies, he returns to Eng­land as the Earl of Mid­dle­field. He seeks a typ­i­cal ton mar­riage, where his wife will pro­vide him with an heir and pos­si­bly oth­er chil­dren and then they go their sep­a­rate ways. He intends to find his count­ess quick­ly and not waste time at bor­ing social affairs.

Lady Tes­sa Fos­ter delays her come-out for sev­er­al years in order to care for her ill par­ents. Now out of mourn­ing, Tes­sa is eager to be intro­duced in Polite Soci­ety so she can find a hus­band and start a fam­i­ly of her own.

When Spence attempts to save Tes­sa from a thief bran­dish­ing a knife, she turns and attacks Spence. He quick­ly learns that instead of the pli­ant woman he thought he want­ed as his count­ess, he desires Tessa—a woman of beau­ty and val­or who stands up for her­self and those she cherishes.

Can Spence change Tessa’s poor opin­ion of him and win the heart of the woman he has come to love?

A seri­ous duke who has been shat­tered by war. An opin­ion­at­ed beau­ty with no inter­est in mar­riage. A kiss that should be wrong but is more than right …

Major Everett Way­land is stunned when his broth­er is mur­dered, mak­ing Ev the Duke of Cam­den. The shy duke meets a match­mak­ing beau­ty of the ton who, while unsuit­ed to be his duchess, promis­es to help Ev find an appro­pri­ate woman to become his wife.

Lady Ada­lyn Porter is not eas­i­ly intim­i­dat­ed and is a leader in Polite Soci­ety, occa­sion­al­ly match­ing cou­ples togeth­er. Her cousin, Tes­sa, has made a love match and has a new baby, caus­ing Ada­lyn to rethink her stance on marriage.

When she agrees to find a stodgy duke a bride who is dig­ni­fied and unap­proach­able, Ada­lyn has no idea what she’s in for—especially after the dull duke kiss­es her—and she finds he’s not quite what he seems.

Will Ev con­vince Addie that she is every­thing he wants—and didn’t know he needed?

A self-assured earl who doesn’t like rules. A poised beau­ty mature beyond her years. Nei­ther thinks they want or need love …

Major Owen Has­bury returns from the Napoleon­ic Wars as the new Earl of Dan­bury. He’s ready to enjoy life and make love to as many women as he can before set­tling down and sir­ing an heir. His atti­tude irks his two clos­est friends, men who have come into recent titles and made love matches.

Louisa Gould­ing has a rep­u­ta­tion as a bit of a blue­stock­ing. She has served as her father’s host­ess since her mother’s death years ago and has been an active part of the meet­ings in their home with her father’s War Office col­leagues, giv­ing her lit­tle time for social events. With the war over, Louisa wants to ful­ly par­tic­i­pate in the Sea­son and final­ly live a life for her­self, find­ing a hus­band who will give her children.

At the insis­tence of mutu­al friends, Louisa and Owen meet. She calls him out as a rake, telling him she won’t waste any time on him. But her beau­ty and intel­li­gence intrigue Owen. He becomes friends with Louisa, even teach­ing her how to kiss, final­ly real­iz­ing the per­fect woman is right before him.

Can Owen con­vince Louisa that he has changed—or will he lose her to anoth­er lord at the house par­ty they attend together?

A ret­i­cent army offi­cer who los­es a beloved broth­er. A per­son­able beau­ty eager to make up for lost time. And one mag­i­cal kiss that changes everything …

Lieu­tenant-Colonel Per­ci­val Per­ry maybe be reserved, but he is an out­stand­ing army offi­cer. When Per­cy receives news of his brother’s acci­den­tal drown­ing, he is forced to sell his com­mis­sion and take up his title as Mar­quess of Kingston. Night­mares of the war plague Per­cy even as he longs for a wife and fam­i­ly. When he meets an attrac­tive, spir­it­ed woman, he can bare­ly speak and knows he made a poor impres­sion upon her.

Aram­inta Nicholls is two and twen­ty and missed mak­ing her come-out, thanks to the pesky Amer­i­cans who start­ed a war that kept her stuck in Cana­da for sev­er­al years. Minta is ready to make up for lost time and find a hus­band so she can have the chil­dren she longs for. When she is intro­duced to a solemn mar­quess, Minta believes him to be much like her own shy twin and comes to have feel­ings for Lord Kingston.

But Percy’s night­mares con­tin­ue and he fears he might plunge into mad­ness, tak­ing Minta with him. Know­ing he loves her, he makes the deci­sion to give her up, believ­ing he is dam­aged goods. But Minta is a fighter—and she isn’t going anywhere.

Can Minta con­vince Per­cy that oppo­sites can make for a won­der­ful marriage—and that love can con­quer any prob­lem if they face it together?

An affa­ble army colonel who abrupt­ly becomes a duke. A shy beau­ty who missed her come-out. And two mis­chie­vous boys who bring this pair together …

A con­fi­dent Colonel Win­ston Cut­ler finds him­self a sud­den duke when the broth­er he loathed per­ish­es in a fire. Win returns to Lon­don, only to find he has two by-blow nephews to care for—and their spe­cial­ty is run­ning off their lat­est governess.

Reserved Seraphi­na Nicholls returns to Eng­land after being stuck in Cana­da due to war with the Amer­i­cans. Sera is slat­ed to attend a house par­ty, where she hopes to make a match with a man who is qui­et and loy­al. Instead, she finds her­self vol­un­teer­ing to act as a gov­erness to a neigh­bor­ing duke’s row­dy nephews.

Sera wins over the boys and is dis­mayed when she los­es her heart to the rogu­ish duke. Win finds Sera appeal­ing but due to her retir­ing nature, he believes she would make for a ter­ri­ble duchess. But Sera isn’t shy with him—especially when they are kiss­ing. Win decides no one but this erst­while gov­erness will make him happy.

Can the out­go­ing Win per­suade a bash­ful Sera that oppo­sites can attract—and thrive—in a pas­sion-filled marriage?

A reformed rogue who yearns for a love match. A wid­ow who’s been tossed from her home. A house par­ty meant to bring lovers together …

Reed Dav­en­port is a wom­an­iz­er enjoy­ing a care­free life until his beloved father dies. Now Vis­count Boxling, Reed takes his respon­si­bil­i­ties seri­ous­ly, includ­ing pro­vid­ing an heir. He turns to the Duchess of Cam­den, famed for her match­mak­ing skills, and puts him­self in her hands, hop­ing he will find not only his viscountess—but love.

Vanes­sa Hugh­es, Lady Hock­ley, is a wid­ow whose hus­band made her feel worth­less. With her year of mourn­ing at an end, her step­son demands she leave the fam­i­ly estate. Rag­ing at her dead husband’s grave, Vanes­sa meets a remark­able count­ess who invites Vanes­sa to a house par­ty she is hosting.

Can Vanes­sa find a new hus­band that will see her for who she tru­ly is—and is Reed the man who will final­ly bring love into her life?

An army major com­pelled to leave the mil­i­tary. A lady forced to earn her liv­ing. Two souls find­ing a new way of life … and each oth­er … along with love.

A bru­tal attack leaves Major Devin Hunt miss­ing two fin­gers. Unable to fire a gun, he sells his com­mis­sion and takes refuge with a for­mer fel­low offi­cer who has now become a duke. His friend offers Devin the oppor­tu­ni­ty to become the estate’s stew­ard and forge a new life.

Lady Julia Birm­ing­ham los­es both her par­ents just before she makes her come-out. Her half-broth­er, who nev­er con­sid­ered her fam­i­ly, ban­ish­es Julia from her child­hood home and she is forced to earn her liv­ing, even­tu­al­ly becom­ing the gov­erness to the Duke of Woodmont’s nephews.

Devin asks the fam­i­ly gov­erness to help him to learn to write with his left hand, know­ing keep­ing records is an impor­tant part of his new posi­tion. Their attrac­tion turns into love and Devin is ready to spend his life with Julia—until he sud­den­ly becomes the Mar­quess of Bedford.

Can Devin con­vince Julia they can have a life together—or will his new title and wealth tear them apart?