The King’s Cousins

The three young chil­dren of Ade­lard de Blays—two sons and a daughter—are sep­a­rat­ed when their father com­mits trea­son against the King of Eng­land. Fol­low each of their sto­ries in The King’s Cousins.

*Each medieval romance may be read as a stand­alone and in any order. The series is avail­able exclu­sive­ly at Ama­zon and can be read for free in Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. It is also avail­able in audio­book form.

The Pawn — The King’s Cousins Book 1

1338 A.D. – Exiled to a con­vent after her father’s exe­cu­tion for trea­son, Kate­lyn de Blays has fleet­ing mem­o­ries of the man she adored and the out­side world. When her brother’s search leads him to find­ing Kate­lyn after many years, she is eager to leave with Lan­don and begin a new life. He brings her to the court of her cousin, Edward III, who betroths Kate­lyn to a pow­er­ful earl of Northum­bria, using her as a polit­i­cal pawn to show his con­tin­ued sup­port of his north­ern noblemen.

When Sir Nicholas Man­dev­ille returns from patrolling his family’s lands along the Scot­tish bor­der, he dis­cov­ers his father has died—and left a widow—whom his uncle wed Nicholas to by proxy in his absence. Angry at becom­ing the Earl of North­mere and hav­ing no choice regard­ing his wife, Nicholas vows to leave the wid­ow untouched until he knows whether or not she car­ries his father’s child.

When Nicholas los­es his heart to this brave, young woman, he is aston­ished to learn Kate­lyn wish­es for their union to be annulled. Can he con­vince Kate to remain­wed to him—or will Nicholas sac­ri­fice his own hap­pi­ness and let the enig­mat­ic beau­ty go?

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The Heir — The King’s Cousins Book 2

1340 A.D. – After his trea­so­nous father’s exe­cu­tion, Lan­don de Blays is raised along­side his cousin, the future King Edward III. Lan­don con­stant­ly fights to prove his own loy­al­ty to the crown and becomes England’s youngest knight. Reward­ed for brav­ery in bat­tle, the king gifts Lan­don with a title and estate, some­thing he’s longed for over the years as much as restor­ing his family’s good name.

Cas­siana Cam­pi­on rais­es five broth­ers and nurs­es her ill father while man­ag­ing Bri­ar­wood, her family’s estate. When her father suc­cumbs to old bat­tle wounds and she receives news her last sur­viv­ing broth­er has been killed in bat­tle, Cas­siana has nowhere to turn—until Lan­don de Blays arrives with a mis­sive nam­ing him the new Earl of Briargate—and Cassie’s bride­groom. The cou­ple fall inlove but are torn apart by cir­cum­stances beyond their con­trol before their wed­ding can take place. Lan­don can live with­out an earl­dom and Bri­ar­wood but he can’t con­ceive of a life with­out Cas­siana. Will Lan­don unlock the secrets that can bring them back together?

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The Bastard — The King’s Cousins Book 3

1342 A.D. – Spir­it­ed away when his father Ade­lard de Blays com­mits trea­son, bas­tard Quill Car­don longs to reclaim his fam­i­ly name when he reach­es man­hood and reunite with his half-sib­lings, Lan­don and Kate­lyn. Win­ning the king’s tour­na­ment at Smith­field and sav­ing the life of Prince Edward leads to Quill being award­ed an earl­dom and an estate of his own—but what he most desires is Lady Tris­tan­na Willough­by, a woman he can nev­er have.

Tris­tan­na has served for years as a lady-in-wait­ing to Queen Philip­pa and has wait­ed for the return of her betrothed, Jar­rett Mars­den, from the war in France. Tris­tan­na dis­likes Jar­rett, who chas­es any­thing in a skirt, and longs to wed Sir Quill Car­don, an hon­or­able knight who has cap­tured her heart. When cir­cum­stances change, Quill and Tris­tan­na have a chance at happiness—until a man seek­ing revenge threat­ens to tear them apart.

*If you’re a fan of The King’s Cousins tril­o­gy, you might enjoy read­ing God of the Seas, a Pirates of Bri­tan­nia World novel­la, which fea­tures these sib­lings grand­fa­ther. It will be avail­able for pre­order Decem­ber 18 and it releas­es Jan­u­ary 29, 2019.

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