Captivating Kisses

When the mar­quess was on his deathbed, he admit­ted every­thing to wit­ness­es and claimed me as his heir,” Julian explained.

No won­der every­thing seems so strange to you, my lord,” Lady Ari­adne said. “But why do you want to par­take in the Season?”

For the same rea­son as you, my lady. I wish to find a wife. The man who sired me had three of them, all of them bar­ren. I do not take my respon­si­bil­i­ties light­ly. I know I must pro­vide an heir, so I will do so as soon as possible.”

Will you tell your wife what you have shared with me?”

I don’t know,” he said hon­est­ly. “If I do, I doubt any lady in Polite Soci­ety would have me.”

Yet you told me,” she said soft­ly. She reached and took his hand, squeez­ing it. “Thank you for shar­ing your sto­ry with me, my lord. Thank you for trust­ing me.”

Lady Ari­adne released it, and Julian felt bereft.

I will nev­er tell a soul,” she promised him. “You can count on my dis­cre­tion. And do not under­es­ti­mate your­self. You are a very hand­some man. You speak and car­ry your­self well. You hold a lofty title, and I assume you have a decent amount of wealth. You will have no trou­ble find­ing a bride on the Mar­riage Mart.”

Julian looked at the young woman before him. She had poise. Charm. Spir­it. And she was quite beau­ti­ful, espe­cial­ly with her cop­per hair.

He wasn’t ready to speak open­ly to her yet, but he had already made up his mind.

Lady Ari­adne was the one for him. No oth­er would do as his marchioness.

*Excerpt com­ing in 2025!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2025!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2025!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2025!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2026!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2026!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2026!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2026!

*Excerpt com­ing in 2026!