
Leave Yesterday Behind — Romantic Suspense

A pop­u­lar actress at a turn­ing point in her career.

A pro­fes­sion­al ath­lete forg­ing a new path as a fic­tion writer.

And a ser­i­al killer inter­est­ed in see­ing both of them dead …

Cal­lie Chen­nault vault­ed to fame on the night­time soap Sum­n­er Falls, but after a decade of play­ing the same role, she is ready for a new act­ing chal­lenge. When Cal­lie is attacked by a stalk­er on the streets of New York, she takes a leave of absence from the show and returns to her roots in Auro­ra, Louisiana, to heal both phys­i­cal­ly and emo­tion­al­ly and deter­mine her next career move.

For­mer pro­fes­sion­al base­ball pitch­er Nick La Chap­pelle has also come to Auro­ra to lick his own wounds after a messy divorce. A Cy Young win­ner and one-time ESPN broad­cast­er, Nick longs for the qui­et of a small town in order to write mur­der mys­ter­ies under a pen name.

Sparks fly when Cal­lie believes Nick is tak­ing advan­tage of her great-aunt’s hos­pi­tal­i­ty, but they resolve their differences—and sur­prise themselves—by falling in love. Their bond is test­ed when both Nick and Cal­lie become the focus of a ser­i­al killer nick­named Lip­stick Lar­ry. Can they out­wit a mur­der­er bent on see­ing them dead and sur­vive to build a last­ing relationship?

A pop­u­lar crime fic­tion nov­el­ist ready for the next chap­ter in her life.

A lone­ly law­man who leaves the vio­lence of the big city for a small town.

A crafty ser­i­al killer who con­tin­ues to toy with law enforce­ment and elude capture …

Best-sell­ing author Kar­lyn Camp­bell is ready for a new start after her recent divorce from a tem­pera­men­tal artist. When she receives word that her father had a stroke, she heads for Wal­ton Springs with mixed feel­ings. Brod­er­ick Camp­bell wrote Pulitzer Prize-win­ning lit­er­ary nov­els and denounced his daughter’s work as pedes­tri­an and com­mer­cial, caus­ing a rift that final­ly heals on his deathbed. Kar­lyn choos­es to stay in the small Geor­gia town to write her pop­u­lar Matt Collins series and decides to try her hand at true crime when Atlanta’s Rain­bow Killer, Roy G. Biv, cap­tures her interest.

Detec­tive Logan Warner’s mar­riage didn’t sur­vive after he lost his twins to a crazed killer who was nev­er caught. He returns to his hometown’s police force and runs for police chief, hap­py he’s escaped big city crime and cor­rup­tion. Emo­tion­al­ly dead, his inter­est in life is renewed when he falls in love with Kar­lyn and begins to build a new life with her.

But the Rain­bow Killer moves beyond Atlanta, leav­ing a trail of dead bod­ies paint­ed in bright hues in sev­er­al towns north of the city. Leav­ing no trace evi­dence or DNA and choos­ing ran­dom vic­tims with no appar­ent rhyme or rea­son, Roy proves unstop­pable. Then he arrives in Wal­ton Springs, threat­en­ing the peace­ful town with his mur­der spree. With a ser­i­al killer in their back yard, Logan and Kar­lyn unite with the FBI to find the killer—before he finds them.

*Com­ing April 26! Pre­order will be up soon.